

Sakai, Makoto ; Kubota, Yoshiki ; Kubo, Nobuteru ; Tashiro, Mutsumi
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  70  pp.379-385,  2020-11-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />Background & Aims: With the development of radiology, the demand for medical physicists is increasi ng, and the training of new medical physicists is becoming a necessity. Although a few questionnaire surveys regarding medical physicists and medical physicist training courses have been conducted, no survey reports have yet been conducted on examinees. This study is the first survey of general examinees. Methods: Gunma University has a webpage for test preparation, and we conducted a survey on examinees using this page, through a questionnaire and access analyses. Results: Approximately 80% of the users qualified as technologists. Considering the percentage of users by region, the number of medical physicists and accredited facilities were strongly correlated. The proportion of females was extremely low. Exam papers on “science and technology” and “radiation physics” were accessed more than those on “medical and biology” field. Thus, physics may be a shortcoming of many examinees; science and engineering majors were less likely to take exams and have lower pass rates. Conclusion: Recruitment and provision of learning environments for science and engineering graduates are required. To increase the number of students, while improving the quality of medical physicists, it is necessary to investigate current conditions of students in greater detail. 続きを見る


高, 娃
出版情報: 2014-03-25.  群馬大学工学研究科
概要: Thesis or Dissertation<br />学位記番号:工博乙117