

二渡, 玉江 ; 新井, 治子 ; 伊藤, 善一
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  11  pp.67-73,  1991-03-29.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />As an approach to understanding patients' reactions against changes in body image, a survey of correlation between body image and personality undertaken using the Body-cathexis scale and Gilford-Martin inventory modified by Yatabe was conducted for a total of 460 high school students. Female students were less satisfied with their body parts and functions than male students, especially with regards legs and body proportions. Male students tended to be dissatisfied with heigth and body proportions. The students in co-educational high school were less dissatisfied with the external appearance of their bodies those in boys only or girls only high schools. Ratings concerning sense of inferiority and incooperativeness scored by male and female subiects were proportionately correlated with dissatisfaction with body parts and function. In female subgects, ratings of activity, superintendence and sociality were highly correlated with satisfaction with body parts and functions, however, only the rating of activity was correlated with such satisfaction in male subgects. 続きを見る


二渡, 玉江 ; 新井, 治子 ; 伊藤, 善一
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  10  pp.43-49,  1990-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />In order to obtain basic understanding of nursing intervention for people with body image changes, the interrelationship between body cathexis and personality was evaluated using a body image scale and mental test in middle-aged people and in patients with alopecia as a result of cancer chemotherapy. The following results were obtained: 1. Females were less satisfied about their own body than were males. Scores of physical function were higher than those of body appearance in both genders. 2. Personality assessment revealed that females were more disposed towards showing depression and feelings of inferiority than were males. Lack of agreeableness and feelings of superiority were predominant in males. 3. Personality represented by mentl stability, mental activity, and leadership correlated firmly with body image. 4. Patients with alopecia showed significantly low scores of body image when compared with normal male and female adults. 続きを見る