

常盤, 洋子 ; 松岡, 治子 ; 伊藤, まゆみ ; 神田, 清子
出版情報: 群馬保健学紀要.  25  pp.149-156,  2005-03.  群馬大学医学部保健学科
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />【目 的】本研究の目的は,看護実践能力の育成を目指して臨池実習指導のあり方を検討する資料を得るために看護基本技術の到達度を明らかにす ることである。【方 法】2000年度入学の第4期生87名を対象に臨地実習終了時の看護基本技術の経験の有無と到達度を調査し,85名から有効回答(有効回答率97.7%)が得られた。【結 果】看護基本技術の経験到達度の分析において身体侵襲を伴う処置に関する看護基本技術の経験が少なく,到達度も低いことが明らかにされた。以上のことから,臨地実習において身体侵襲を伴う処置や技術が経験できる教育環境を作る必要がある。看護基本技術の実践能力の育成にむけて以下4つの課題について検討が必要であると考えられた。(1)臨地実習指導体制の組織化,(2)身体侵襲を伴う技術教育の強化,(3)ケアの実践モデルの提示,(4)到達度評価システムの検討。 続きを見る


神田, 清子 ; 常盤, 洋子 ; 大野, 絢子 ; 小泉, 美佐子 ; 小板橋, 喜久代 ; 伊藤, まゆみ ; 荒川, 千秋 ; 狩野, 太郎 ; 長岡, 理恵 ; 林, かおり ; 宮本, 美佐 ; 柳, 奈津子
出版情報: 群馬保健学紀要.  21  pp.77-80,  2001-03.  群馬大学医学部保健学科
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper


神田, 清子 ; 大中, 忠勝 ; 栃原, 裕太 ; 田, 紀久子 ; 伊藤, まゆみ ; 土屋, 純
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  15  pp.19-23,  1995-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />The frequency of body movement in the young people during sleep ea sured. in order to investigate the effect of thermal environmets on sleep in summer and autumn. Simultaneously, room temperature and humidity were also measured. On the morning after measureing body movements, the time to go to bed and to get up, the degree of sound sleep and bedclothes were assessed by a questionnaire. The following results were obtained. 1. The bedroom temperature in summer during sleep ranged from 20 to 30℃ (mean 27.06℃). On the other hand, it was between 14 and 26℃ (mean 18.82℃) in autumn, which was significantly lower than that in summer. 2. Body movement in summer during sleep was significantly greater than those in autumn. 3. A significant relation between bedroom temperature and temperature in bed in both summer and autumn seasons (summer: r = 0.846 p<0.001, autumn: r = 0.107 p<0.05). 4. A significant relation between body movement and bedroom temperature was found both seasons. Under the higher bedroom temperature, there was a tendency toward a higher rate of body movement. These results indicate that suitable adjustment of room temperature by using an air-conditioner is important for achieving a stable sleep pattern. 続きを見る


伊藤, まゆみ ; 神田, 清子 ; 新井, 治子
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  15  pp.31-36,  1995-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />We investigated the serum transaminase levels in patients with chronic hepatitis, degree of their cncern about transaminase levels, and their responses to changes in these parameters as well as the effects of such responses to their anxiety state. The following results were obtained. 1. There are no established measures for evaluating the effectiveness of self-care programs for chronic hepatitis patients, and the physician's comments and the transaminase levels have been recommended as indexes for this condition by many researchers. 2. In the anxiety test in patients with chronic hepatitis, A-State and A-Trait scores were 41.6 and 41.7, respectively, showing no significant difference from the values in the gereral population or patients with other chronic disease for either state anxiety or trait anxiety. 3. In patients with elevanted GPT, the A-State score tended to be higher than that in patients with normal GPT, amd those showing strong concern about their transaminase levels had a significantly higher A-State score than those who do not worry about these biochemical indexes. 4. If the patients have strong concern about the transaminase levels and their anxiety state is worsened in response to the rise or fall in these values, such patients have to be supported so that they can continue their self-care activities in stable mental conditions by comprehensively evaluating their self-care activities using other medical indexes and subjective symptoms as well. 続きを見る


伊藤, まゆみ ; 太田, 紀久子 ; 大野, 絢子 ; 神田, 清子
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  14  pp.33-37,  1994-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />Environmental factors such as temperature and relative humidity in the bedroom and in the space between the bed and the coverlet were analyzed in relation to ease of falling asleep in summer and autumn. The following results were obtained. 1. Many subjects reported that they fell asleep more easily in autumn than in summer. They felt that they slept more deeply in autumn than in summer. However, the incidence of sleep interruption at night did not differ between summer and autumn. 2. The subjects adjusted their bedclothes and nightclothes appropriatery in both summer and autumn. 3. The temperature and relative humidity within the bedroom were significantly higher in summer (27.06℃ and 70.36%) than in autumn (18.82℃ and 67,46%). 4. The temperature within the bedroom correlated significantly with the temperature in the space between the bed and the coverlet in both summer and autumn. The correlation was particularly high in summer. 5. The bedroom temperature was significantly higher for subjects who did not fall asleep easily in summer than for subjects who fell asleep easily in summer. The relative humidity in the bedroom tended to be higher for subjects who did not fall asleep easily in summer than for subjects who fell asleep easily in summer. 6. These results indicate that not only adjustment of bedclothes but also adijustment of room temperature (using an air-conditioner, etc.) is important for falling asleep easily and achieving a stable sleep pattern. 続きを見る


太田, 紀久子 ; 神田, 清子 ; 大野, 絢子 ; 伊藤, まゆみ ; 土屋, 純
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  14  pp.39-43,  1994-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />A research was made on depression and the relative factors in the healthy elderly persons living in the area using the Japanese-version SDS tests. As a result, the following were suggested. 1. The frequency of the depression appearance was 3.6% and the avarage of the depression score was 30.7. There was no significant difference between men and women. 2. The attributes of the elderly persons which influenced the depression score were family relationship, the self-rating of health conditions, the radius of action and hobbies. They should taken into consideration to offer support and positive service for elderly persons at home. 3. Among the twenty items of the SDS tests, the factors in which psychological conditions influence physical symptoms, showed significant difference depending on the possession of hobbies and the degree of satisfaction in the family relationship. This result suggested that the physical conditions of the elderly persons were greatly related to the psychological depression. Not only for the elderly persons with diseases, it would be important to perform comprehensive care in this point of view for the healthy elderly persons. 続きを見る