

大石, 裕子
出版情報: 2021-03-23.  群馬大学医学系研究科
概要: Thesis or Dissertation<br />学位記番号:医博甲1828


Hoshino, Masamichi ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu ; Ogawa, Shota ; Hayashi, Kunihiko ; Itoh, Masahiro ; Iwase, Akira
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  70  pp.207-213,  2020-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />Background & Aim: Wearing seat belt is an effective tool to protect both pregnant women and their unborn babies. Pregnant women are more likely to use seat belt if they have acquired knowledge on how to wear seat belt correctly during pregnancy. This study aims to examine the association between exposure to information on seat belts and usual seat belt use in daily life during pregnancy. Methods: We employed a descriptive analysis of cross-sectional survey data collected through self-administered questionnaires at seven obstetric facilities in Maebashi City, a provincial city in Japan. Between October and December 2013, 1,278 pregnant women completed questionnaires, containing items such as the frequency of rear seat belt use and the sources from which they had received information on the issue. Results: We found that 444 participants (34.7%) received information on seat belt use during pregnancy mainly from magazines or administrative bodies, while 834 (65.3%) did not. We also found that pregnant women who received more information from more sources were more likely to wear seat belts while sitting in the rear seat. Conclusions: These findings suggest that increased information on the correct method of wearing seat belts during pregnancy may increase the number of pregnant women who wear seat belts. Our study has implications for protecting the safety of both pregnant women and their children. 続きを見る


Osaki, Yohei ; Ogawa, Yoshiyuki ; Morita, Akihito ; Higeta, Daisuke ; Shimizu, Hiroaki ; Yanagisawa, Kunio ; Ishizaki, Takuma ; Saitoh, Takayuki ; Tsukamoto, Norifumi ; Kameda, Takashi ; Handa, Hiroshi ; 大崎, 洋平 ; 小川, 孔幸 ; 森田, 晶人 ; 日下田, 大輔 ; 清水, 啓明 ; 柳沢, 邦雄 ; 石埼, 卓馬 ; 齋藤, 貴之 ; 塚本, 憲史 ; 亀田, 高志 ; 半田, 寛
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  69  pp.227-232,  2019-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />【症例1】 30歳代女性.20XX年2月に特発性血小板減少性紫斑病(ITP)と診断され同年3月に妊娠が判明した.妊娠22週から副腎皮質ステロイド療法を開始したが治療抵抗性であった.血小板数維持のため およそ2週間毎の免疫グロブリン大量療法(IVIG)を要した.妊娠34週1日に前期破水し血小板輸血を行い経腟分娩となった.【症例2】 20歳代女性.10歳でITPと診断され副腎皮質ステロイドなどの治療に抵抗性で20歳時に脾摘術を実施された.妊娠判明時には無治療で血小板数1-2×1010/Lで推移していた.副腎皮質ステロイド療法には抵抗性で,妊娠25週から併用したIVIGでも効果は不十分であった.妊娠30週5日に常位胎盤早期剥離を発症し緊急帝王切開で出産となった.【結 論】 妊娠中の血小板数維持は母児合併症を減らすために重要である.治療抵抗性の妊娠合併ITPに対して,症例を集積しての検討が必要である. 続きを見る


國清, 恭子 ; 中島, 久美子 ; 阪本, 忍 ; 荒井, 洋子 ; 長岡, 由紀子 ; 常盤, 洋子
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  58  pp.173-182,  2008-05-01.  北関東医学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />【目的】妊娠期の女性のヘルスプロモーションを支援するために, 生活圏に医療機関のない女性の妊娠期\nにおけるセルフケアの特徴を明らかにする. 【方法】沖縄県 の離島の黒島, 波照間島に居住する出産後1\n年以内の母親9 名を対象とし, 半構成的面接法により抽出した妊娠期に行ったセルフケアを, 質的に内容分\n析した. 【結果】離島の女性は自分の健康は自分で管理していこうという意識を持っており, 妊娠期のセ\nルフケアとして, 「妊娠経過において異常を予防し正常を保つために, 自らあらゆる情報源から情報を得て, \n自ら考え行動した」という特徴が見出された. 【結語】妊娠期の女性のセルフケア能力を高める支援とし\nて, 女性が意識的に自分の身体と向き合い自分で判断することを促すかかわり, 専門的視点からのセルフケ\nアについての振り返り, キーパーソンである夫と協働できるような支援, 個別的で具体的な情報提供という4\nつの支援が示唆された. 続きを見る


Iijima, Kotaro ; Yoshimoto, Masataka ; Horiguchi, Jun ; Oyama, Tetsunari ; Morishita, Yasuo ; Kasumi, Fujio ; Sakamoto, Goi
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  56  pp.93-99,  2006-05-01.  北関東医学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Background & Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of pregnancy on breast\ncancer prognosis by analyzing clinical and pathological features of young patients with breast cancer in\nrelation to last birth. Method: A total of 622 young breast cancer patients under 35 years of age\nundergoing surgical treatment between 1960 and 1990 at Cancer Institute Hospital were included in this\nstudy. The patients were classified into four groups; group A patients who were diagnosed during\npregnancy or within one year after delivery, group B patients who were diagnosed from one to three years\nafter delivery, group C patients who were diagnosed three years or more after delivery, and group D\npatients who were nulliparous. All four groups were examined from the viewpoint of clinical and\npathological findings with regard to age, disease duration, first childbirth, clinical stage, histopathological\ntype, lymph node metastasis, and survival. Furthermore, nuclear grade and immunohistochemical\nstaining of both estrogen receptor (ER) and factor-VIII were examined in early-stage breast\ncancer patients. Result: The incidence of early-stage(0, I and II) breast cancer was significantly(p<\n0.05) lower in group A (69%) than in groups C (88%) and D (85%). The incidence of nodal involvement\ndecreased from group A (61%), B (59%), C (51%) to D (43%) in that order. The incidence of\nnodal involvement in group D was significantly (p<0.05) lower than that in groups A and B. The\npositive rate of estrogen receptor increased from group A (50%), B (56%) to C (72%) in that order. \nDisease-free survival was significantly (p<0.05) more favorable in group D than in groups A and C. \nThe similar result was obtained in patients with clinically early-stage breast cancer. Conclusion:\nPatients who developed breast cancer during pregnancy or within less than one year postpartum have a\npoor prognosis among patients under 35 years old. Patients having no childbirth history generally have\na high risk factor of developing breast cancer, however, breast cancer patients without childbirth history\nunder 35 years old result in a favourable prognosis. 続きを見る