

Yanjmaa, Enkhjargal ; Ogawa, Shota ; Tsogbadrakh, Basbish ; Khurelbaatar, Tsetsegsuren ; Khuyagbaatar, Enkhchimeg ; Nasanjargal, Tsetsgee ; Hayashi, Kunihiko ; Takeda, Takashi ; Oidov, Batgerel ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  72  pp.43-48,  2022-02-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article


Purev, Odonchimeg ; Enkhjargal, Manduul ; Ogawa, Shota ; Purevsukh, Tugsjargal ; Dagvasumberel, Munkhbaatar ; Oidov, Batgerel ; Taketomi-Takahashi, Ayako ; Tsushima, Yoshito ; Iwase, Akira ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  71  pp.296-274,  2021-11-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article


Nozaki, Shinjiro ; Makino, Takatoshi ; Lee, Bumsuk ; Matsui, Hiroki ; Tokita, Yoshiharu ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu ; Kishi, Mikiko ; Kamada, Hideo ; Tanaka, Kazumi ; Sohma, Hitoshi ; Kama, Akinori ; Nakagawa, Kazumasa ; Shinohara, Tomoyuki ; Watanabe, Hideomi
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  71  pp.115-121,  2021-05-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article


Ogaya, Shota ; Hayashi, Kunihiko ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  71  pp.19-25,  2021-02-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article


Munkhbat, Lkhagvamaa ; Ogawa, Shota ; Oidov, Batgerel ; Davaakhuu, Tungaamaa ; Purev, Odonchimeg ; Manduul, enkhjargal ; Choijiljav, Dorjderem ; Dash, Munkhkhuslen ; Hayashi, Kunihiko ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  71  pp.27-35,  2021-02-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article


Choijiljav, Dorjderem ; Nasanjargal, Tsetsgee ; Ogawa, Shota ; Oidov, Batgerel ; Yanjmaa, Enkhjargal ; Nyam, Naranbaatar ; Munkhbat, Lkhagvamaa ; Dash, Munkhkhuslen ; Hayashi, Kunihiko ; Irie, Yuki ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  70  pp.223-228,  2020-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />Background: There have been no studies on the prevalence of disordered eating attitudes (DEAs) in M ongolia. This study aims to determine the prevalence of DEAs and the associated risk factors among university students in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Methods: In 2016, a cross-sectional survey was conducted among 483 female students studying at School of Nursing, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences in Ulaanbaatar. The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) was used to determine the prevalence of DEAs among the students. Body height and weight measurements were collected by team members after obtaining participants’ consent. SPSS version 25 was used for statistical analyses. Chi-square, Fisher’s exact, and Mann-Whitney U tests were used to analyze ordinal and numeric values. Results: In this study 5.4% of the participants presented high score on EAT-26. Through multivariate logistic regression analysis, the number of breakfasts per week, perception of healthy meals, and previous and present dieting were found to be associated with a high score on the EAT-26. Conclusions: The prevalence of DEA is relatively low among Mongolian female students. The number of breakfasts per week, past and current experience of dieting, and perception of healthy meals were influential factors in the development of DEAs. 続きを見る


Hoshino, Masamichi ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu ; Ogawa, Shota ; Hayashi, Kunihiko ; Itoh, Masahiro ; Iwase, Akira
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  70  pp.207-213,  2020-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />Background & Aim: Wearing seat belt is an effective tool to protect both pregnant women and their unborn babies. Pregnant women are more likely to use seat belt if they have acquired knowledge on how to wear seat belt correctly during pregnancy. This study aims to examine the association between exposure to information on seat belts and usual seat belt use in daily life during pregnancy. Methods: We employed a descriptive analysis of cross-sectional survey data collected through self-administered questionnaires at seven obstetric facilities in Maebashi City, a provincial city in Japan. Between October and December 2013, 1,278 pregnant women completed questionnaires, containing items such as the frequency of rear seat belt use and the sources from which they had received information on the issue. Results: We found that 444 participants (34.7%) received information on seat belt use during pregnancy mainly from magazines or administrative bodies, while 834 (65.3%) did not. We also found that pregnant women who received more information from more sources were more likely to wear seat belts while sitting in the rear seat. Conclusions: These findings suggest that increased information on the correct method of wearing seat belts during pregnancy may increase the number of pregnant women who wear seat belts. Our study has implications for protecting the safety of both pregnant women and their children. 続きを見る


Otomo, Takashi ; Tanaka, Susumu ; Ayabe, Sonoko ; Kawaharada, Ritsuko ; Okamura, Shinichi ; Ogawa, Shota ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu ; 大友, 崇 ; 田中, 進 ; 綾部, 園子 ; 河原田, 律子 ; 岡村, 信一 ; 小川, 将太 ; 篠﨑, 博光
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  69  pp.205-214,  2019-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />目 的:本研究の目的は,管理栄養士の肝硬変の栄養治療に関する卒後研修への参加経験と栄養指導に対する知識と臨床実践との関連を検討する事である. 方 法:東京都,埼玉県,茨城県,長野県,群馬県の病院また はクリニックに勤務している管理栄養士217人に自記式質問紙調査を実施した. 結 果:肝臓病に対する栄養指導の実施率,検査・確認の実施率,検査項目数・検査の質,栄養指導に関する知識量,栄養指導に関する意欲・積極性ともに肝臓病栄養治療に関する講演会・勉強会の参加群が不参加群より高く,講演会・勉強会の参加の効果を支持する結果が得られた. 結 論:卒後研修への参加と管理栄養士の肝硬変に関する知識ならびに栄養指導など臨床実践との関連が見られた.今後,縦断研究などにより卒後研修への参加による管理栄養士の栄養指導への効果の検証が必要である. 続きを見る


Horikoshi, Masataka ; Ushikubo, Mitsuko ; Kanda, Kiyoko ; Tsujimura, Hiromi ; Kamiyama, Manami ; Kanaizumi, Shiomi ; Kunikiyo, Kyoko ; Matsui, Rie ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu ; 堀越, 政孝 ; 牛久保, 美津子 ; 神田, 清子 ; 辻村, 弘美 ; 上山, 真美 ; 金泉, 志保美 ; 國清, 恭子 ; 松井, 理恵 ; 篠崎, 博光
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  68  pp.59-65,  2018-02-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />目 的:A 大学看護学生の地域での暮らしを見据えた看護に関する自己評価を明らかにし,学年間比較をすることで,今後の教育上の課題への示唆を得ることを目的とした.方 法:看護学生1~3 年次237 名を 対象とし,質問票による集合調査を行った.内容は地域での暮らしを見据えた看護の理解および実践の自己評価27 項目で,回答は,できない1 点,あまりできない2 点,少しできる3 点,できる4 点とした.学年ごとに項目の平均値を算出し,一元配置分散分析および多重比較を行った(p<0.05).結 果:有効回答211 部(有効回答率97.2%).理解では,2・3 年次は全項目で3 点台であったが,1 年次では7 項目にとどまった.8 項目で有意差がみられ,1 年次よりも2・3 年次の得点が高かった.実践は,3年次が10 項目において3 点台,1・2 年次は3 点台がなく,すべて2 点台であった.全項目で1 年次よりも3 年次,9 項目で2 年次よりも3 年次の得点が高かった.結 論:教育改革開始から2 年経過した時点で,教育の効果が現れていることが確認された. 続きを見る


Irie, Yuki ; Hayashi, Kunihiko ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  67  pp.291-298,  2017-11-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />Background and aims:Malnutrition is common in hemodialysis (HD) patients, which is known to reduce theirhealth-related quality of life(QOL). Potential barriers to adequate nutrition can affect a patient’s nutritional status,although whether they also affect the patient’s QOL remains unclear. This study investigated the associationsbetween several potential barriers and QOL among HD patients. M ethods:This cross-sectional study included 36Japanese patients receiving HD for 3 months. The patients completed structured questionnaires regarding anypotential barriers to adequate nutrition. Clinical parameters were evaluated during monthly check-ups. Results:The presence of 1 potential barrier significantly associated with decreased scores in the effect of kidney disease,burden of kidney disease, cognitive function, quality of social interaction, and mental health subscales in theKidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form. Poor knowledge was the most common potential barrier to adequatenutrition. However, difficulty chewing was significantly associated with the greatest number of decreased QOLsubscale scores, even after adjustment for age, suggesting that this barrier has the greatest direct effect on QOL.Conclusions: The presence of 1 potential barrier significantly associated with reduced QOL, indicating theimportance of evaluating potential barriers to adequate nutrition. Further study is necessary to investigate thepossibility that assessment and managing potential barriers improve QOL of patients receiving HD. 続きを見る