

高橋, 有我 ; 小屋, 紘子 ; 小林, 剛
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  65  pp.149-152,  2015-05-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article


Minowa, Chika ; Koitabashi, Kikuyo
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  63  pp.1-11,  2013-02-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />Background& Aims:Immediately after undergoing breast cancer surgery,patients may usually have some psychological and physiological distress. Autogenic training(AT)is a complementary medicine and self-relaxation technique to relieve anxiety in patients. The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of AT on perioperative anxiety and pain in patients with breast cancer. Methods:Between July 2010 and March 2012,60 patients who were diagnosed with breast cancer and scheduled for surgery were randomly assigned to the AT group or the control group. In the AT group,patients underwent 20 min of AT,three times a day within 3 days after surgery,and the control group received the usual care. The assessment was done based on the State Anxiety Inventory,Visual Analogue Pain Scale,heart rate variability, and analgesic requirement. Results:The AT group had a significantly decreased anxiety score during postoperative three days. Postoperative pain score was also significantly decreased,despite the fact that the two groups had received an equivalent amount of analgesics. No statistically significant difference was observed between the groups in their analgesic requirement. Conclusion:AT may be a useful non-pharmacological approach for relieving anxiety and pain immediately after breast cancer surgery. 続きを見る


大竹, 弘哲 ; 長嶋, 和明 ; 田中, 聡一
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  57  pp.49-52,  2007-02-01.  北関東医学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />症例は73歳女性. 左上肢の筋力低下にて発症. 歩行障害が現れ, 筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)と診断. 後に構\n音障害と嚥下障害が現れ, 進行した. 患者 本人とその家族共に延命治療を希望されなかった. 左上肢を中心に\n疼痛を訴えるようになり, 緩和ケアとしてリン酸コデインを開始して45日目に永眠された. 日米の神経学会\n治療ガイドラインで, ALS末期の疼痛緩和にオピオイドの使用を勧めている. 筋萎縮に伴って体重が減少す\nるALS末期で, 欧米に比べ体格の小さい本邦の患者において, 強オピオイドではなくリン酸コデインから緩\n和ケアを開始することを検討すべきである. 続きを見る