

Kadowaki, Susumu ; 門脇, 晋
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  64  pp.153-157,  2014-05-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />39歳男性. 20歳代で糖尿病を指摘され近医通院していた. 胆石発作のため入院.入院時は身長175cm,体重97kg (BMI 31.6), HbA1c 8.5% (JDS), 空腹時血糖値210m g/dlと肥満及びコントロール不良の糖尿病を認めた. 胆囊摘出術を予定し, 江部らが提唱する糖質制限食を自宅で実践した. インスリンや経口血糖降下薬は一切使用しなかった.2か月半後に体重88kg (BMI 28.7),HbA1c 5.6% (JDS),空腹時血糖値108mg/dlまで改善し, 胆囊摘出術を安全に施行できた. 本稿は外科周術期に糖質制限という概念を応用した初めての報告であり, 糖質制限は術後合併症の低下をもたらし, 医療経済的にも大きなメリットがあると考えられた.(Kitakanto Med J 2014;64:153~157)<br />A 39-year-old male was admitted to our hospital due to an attack of gallbladder stones. He complained of poorly controlled diabetes and obesity. Elective cholecystectomy was planned,and a low carbohydrate diet during the perioperative period was recommended. His hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was improved from 8.5% (JDS) to 5.6% and his bodyweight was decreased from 97 kg to 88 kg during the 2.5-month interval. We were able to safely perform cholecystectomy. A low carbohydrate diet seems to be safe and effective for improving the condition of patients prior to surgery. Physicians should advise obese patients with diabetes to follow a low carbohydrate diet during the perioperative period, because it can have dramatic effects on the body weight and glycemic control.(Kitakanto Med J 2014;64:153~157) 続きを見る


Kadowaki, Susumu ; 門脇, 晋
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  64  pp.177-182,  2014-05-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />86歳男性. 糖尿病, 慢性心不全のため近医通院していた. 貧血進行, 腫瘍マーカー上昇のため精査したところ高度の狭窄を伴うS状結腸癌と診断され当科入院した. 入院時は身長155cm, 体重57kg (BMI 23.7), 腹囲89cm,空腹時血糖値302mg/dl,HbA1c 8.4% (NGSP)と肥満及びコントロール不良の糖尿病を認めた.血糖コントロールのため術前より江部らが提唱する糖質制限を応用し, S状結腸切除術を施行した.術後経過は良好で術後15日目に退院した. 糖質制限を自宅でも継続し術後37病日には体重50kg (BMI 20.8), 腹囲78cm, 空腹時血糖値100mg/dl, HbA1c 6.1% (NGSP) まで改善した. 術前より糖質制限を食事療法だけでなく輸液管理にも応用し, 2ヶ月という短期間で糖尿病を改善せしめた貴重な症例と考え報告する.(Kitakanto Med J 2014;64:177~182)<br />A 86-year-old male was admitted to our hospital due to anemia and elevation of tumor marker. Computed tomography(CT)and colonoscopy showed sigmoid colon cancer. He complained of poorly controlled diabetes and obesity. Elective sigmoidectomy was planned, and a low carbohydrate diet during the perioperative period was recommended. His hemoglobin A1c(HbA1c)was improved from 8.4% (NGSP)to 6.1% and his bodyweight was decreased from 57 kg to 50 kg during the 2 month interval. We were able to perform sigmoidectomy safely. A low carbohydrate diet seems to be safe and effective for improving the condition of patients prior to surgery. Physicians should advise obese patients with diabetes to follow a low carbohydrate diet during the perioperative period,because it can have dramatic effects on the body weight and glycemic control.(Kitakanto Med J 2014;64:177~182) 続きを見る


土屋, 美穂 ; 山西, 哲郎 ; 中下, 富子 ; 横尾, 尚史
出版情報: 群馬大学教育学部紀要. 芸術・技術・体育・生活科学編.  39  pp.115-124,  2004.  群馬大学教育学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />The purpose of this study was to examine that the relation between metabolism, obesity and exercise for mentally retarded children. The subjects were mentally retarded children(boys:n = 29, girls:n = 8 aged 13 to 18 years). REE:resting energy expenditure values were measured by Portable Indirect Calorimeter(Metavine).The determination of REE has been indicated as one of the important parameters to evaluate the conditions of health In this sutudy we were measured to REE of mentally retarded children. The correlationships among body weight,body fat, lean body mass,and REE were analyzed.Significant negative correlations were obtained between REE and body weight(p <0.05). And significant negative correlations were obtained between REE and body fat(p <0.01). 16 mentally retarded children (aged 13 to 15 years) performed 15-min resistance training using0.5~1kg dumbbells for 12 weeks. We measured their lean body mass and resting energy expenditure before and after training. After 12 weeks of training, lean body mass and resting energy expenditure in mental retardation pupil were significantly (p <0.05) increase(lean body mass:34.9± 10.7 → 36.1 ± 10.9 resting energy expenditure:34.9±8.2 → 38.4±8.5). 続きを見る