

Sato, Ena ; Sugaya, Tomoaki ; Iwamura, Kayo ; Hasegawa, Makoto ; Tazawa, Masayuki ; Wada, Naoki ; 佐藤, 江奈 ; 菅谷, 知明 ; 岩村, 佳世 ; 長谷川, 信 ; 田澤, 昌之 ; 和田, 直樹
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  70  pp.193-198,  2020-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />【目 的】 変形性股関節症患者の術前後の関節可動域および筋力について明らかにすること. 【対象と方法】 後外側進入法により人工股関節全置換術を施行した14名を対象とし,股関節周囲の関節可動域(ROM )および筋力を術前,術後1週,術後2週で測定した.術側と非術側の比較は対応のある差の検定を行い,術前から術後2週の変化については分散分析および多重比較を行った. 【結 果】 術前ROMでは股関節内転以外は非術側に対して術側が有意に低かったが,術後2週では有意な差はなかった.術側の股関節外転ROMは,術後有意に改善した.筋力は非術側に対して術側が術前,術後2週ともに低かった.術側の股関節屈曲,伸展筋力は術後1週で有意に低下し,術後2週で有意に改善した. 【結 語】 術側ROMは術後2週で非術側程度に改善した.術側筋力は術後2週で術前レベルに回復するが,非術側に比べて有意に低かった.術後1週の筋力は,術前よりも低下していることを考慮し,理学療法介入をするべきである. 続きを見る


Otsuka, Kenichi ; Tazawa, Masayuki ; Ibe, Yoko ; Inoue, Tomotaka ; Kurosaki, Minori ; Shirakura, Kenji ; Wada, Naoki
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  68  pp.1-5,  2018-02-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />Background: Vertebral compression fracture (VCF) is a major injury that occurs in elderly individua ls. The aim ofthis study is to predict the functional outcomes of elderly female patients with acute VCF based on their nutritional status. Methods: A total of 69 female patients with acute VCF were included in the present study. The age, fracturelocation, body mass index, grasping power, the amount of the patientʼs daily nutritional intake, Mini-Mental StateExamination (MMSE) score and nutritional status (determined from laboratory findings) were evaluated at the time ofadmission. After in-hospital rehabilitation, the patients were divided into two groups based on their motor FunctionalIndependence Measure (mFIM) scores at the time of discharge. A multivariable logistic regression analysis was performedto identify factors that predicted the outcome. Results: The patients were divided into the high mFIM (score ≥79, n=36) and the low mFIM (score<79, n=33) groups. The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that theamount of the patient’s nutritional intake and the MMSE score were associated with the outcome. Conclusions: hecognitive status and the amount of the patient’s nutritional intake were associated with the prognosis of elderly womenwith acute VCF. 続きを見る