

廣町, 佐智子 ; 新井, 治子 ; 伊藤, 善一
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  17  pp.71-78,  1997-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />In this study, 48 mammectomy patients and 41 hysterectomy patients were surveyed by questionnaire regarding their feminine image, medical treatment, recognition of illness and stress coping behavior. The Differences in the feminine images between the two groups and factors that affect the feminine image are discussed. Hysterectomy patient expressed rather positive feminine image compared with that expressed by mammectomy patients. This is because breast cancer requires longer postoperative medical treatment than uterine cancer and the mammectomy patient is conscious of the loss of her breast at all times. Factors that affect the mammectomy patients' feminine image are the recognition of illness and the lapse of time after surgery. These patients who underwent survey within the past one year and those who were treated more than two years but less then three years ago have a dark image. These periods coincide with the periods during which patients most storongly feel the menace of recurrence and metastasis. The factor that contributed most to mammectomy patients' image a negative feminine was chemotherapy and the factor that contributed to a positive image in those patients' was their occupations. In the mammectomy group, those who behaved positively did not always have a positive image and those who behaved negatively did not always have a negative image. It is considered the reason for the former results is that patients cannot successfully cope with the fear of cancer using varied coping behaviors and that the patients' feminine identity is always endangered. 続きを見る


廣町, 佐智子 ; 新井, 治子 ; 伊藤, 善一 ; 吉野, 久江
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  16  pp.1-6,  1996-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />The patients who were undergone an operation of total hip replacement are advised to regulate their body weight to alleviate the burden imposed on the replaced artificial hip. Quantitative increase in energy consumption through suitable exercise may be helpful for the discharged patients to achieve the purpose. Range of motion of replaced hip joint (ROM) and scores of activities of daily living (ADL) putatively correlate with energy consumption in these cases. We studied the interrelation between the amount of energy consumption, ROM, and ADL scores by personal interviews or direct measurements. Total amount of energy consumption, ROM scores, and ADL scores of these patients tended to decrease from 12 months after discharge. Factors related to the reduction of energy consumption were aging, inoccupation, and assistive devices. Total sum of energy consumption was well proportionated to the ADL scores, while no relation was noted between energy consumption and ROM scores. The ways to motivate the discharged patients to understand the importance of long-term selfrehabilitation were discussed. 続きを見る


新井, 治子 ; 廣町, 佐智子 ; 阿久澤, 由紀 ; 伊藤, まゆみ ; 伊藤, 善一
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  16  pp.7-10,  1996-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of umbilicus cleansing on the basis of the bacterial effects of Isodine sterilization. The subjects were 100G college students, divided into a cleansing and a non-cleansing group. The number and species of bacteria in the cleansing group and in the non-cleansing group were compared. The results showed that both the total number of bacteria and the number of anaerobic bacteria were significantly lower in the cleansing group than in the non-cleansing group. This suggested that umbilicus cleansing is an effective mean of eliminating bacteria which are unaffected by Isodine sterilization. 続きを見る


廣町, 佐智子 ; 新井, 治子 ; 伊藤, 善一 ; 吉野, 久江
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  15  pp.51-58,  1995-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />The relationship between preoperative mental state and postoperative mental disorders was studied with 3 postoperative patients who had received cervical spine surgery. Gender and age of these patients were identical. Notable postoperative mental disorder was observed in the patients who had past history of surgery. Sufficient family aid reduced the postoperative mental problems. State-Trate Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, 1966) was not able to identify the putative pattern of postoperative mental disorder. The preoperative training for an imaginary postoperative state by the problem-focused form of coping was useful for the prevevtion of the disorder. Maintenance of sleeping pattern with an appropriate amount of sleeping pills was also helpful to avert the postoperative disorder. 続きを見る


廣町, 佐智子 ; 新井, 治子 ; 阿久沢, 由紀 ; 伊藤, まゆみ ; 二渡, 玉江 ; 伊藤, 善一
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  15  pp.59-64,  1995-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />The purpose of this study was to imporve the timing of preoperative navel treament. The subjects were 119 studens at divided into three groupus according to time elapsed, i.e., 4,8 and 16 hours, after navel treatment. Bacteriolgical methods were used. Bacterl counts and species bifore and after navel treatment were conpared in these three groups. Bacterial counts were decreased by navel treatment, when the number of colonies was large before navel treatment, the decrease was particularly marked. The increase in bacteria was slight within 4-8 hours after navel treatment, suggesting that this is the optimal time to perform navel treatmen. The species detected were Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, Eschreichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterococcus. The species of the bacteria which decreased could not be specified. 続きを見る


新井, 治子 ; 二渡, 玉江 ; 広町, 佐智子 ; 伊藤, まゆみ ; 伊藤, 善一
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  14  pp.7-13,  1994-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />Decreases in daily activities and sociality are increasingly being appreciated as causes of falls in the aged. Causes of falls have been investigated in terms of physical and physically functional aspects, but there have been only a few investigations of the causes of falls accompanying daily activities in the aged. To design protections from falls for the aged in their homes, more concrete cause of falls in the living environment were determined by questionnaire. This survey included 289 subjects who could converse and walk without suport, who consisted of 176 subjects (aged 65-90 years) in nursing homes for the aged and 113 subjects (65-89 years) at welfare centers for the aged. The survey was carried out by an interview conducted in questionnaire form. The factors influencing falls, in which there was a difference in living circumstances, were the frequency at which the person went to the toilet during the night, and footwear. Environmental factors were the living room, bedroom and halls. The frequency of falls on flat surfaces was high out of doors. The frequency was also high in persons with low back pain, arthralgia or hypertension, which affected their daily lives. Accroding to whether it was day or night, the frequency was high in the daytime when persons are active, and was also revealed to be high in the daytime in persons who often went to the toilet during the night. The influence of awakening in the middle of sleep traumatic falls in the daytime in a subject which should be investigated in the future. 続きを見る


廣町, 佐智子 ; 白濱, 暁子 ; 新井, 治子 ; 伊藤, 善一
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  14  pp.45-54,  1994-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />Postoperative psychoneurosis is a fairly common disorder among the patients received surgery of cervical vertebrae. Confined conditions due to postoperative neck fixation and complete bed rest are considered as the main causes of the psychosis. The present paper added a number of preoperative factors to the bases of this type of psychoneurosis: past history of surgery, age, anxiety, and coping behavior. As for postoperative factors, distress owing to complete bed rest, insomnia, complications, medication of sleeping pills were closely related to the disorder. The results stresses the necessity of meticulous assessment about the pre-and postoperative factors for the prevention of psychoneurosis after surgery of cervical vertebrae. 続きを見る


新井, 治子 ; 二渡, 玉江 ; 伊藤, 善一
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  13  pp.23-28,  1993-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />In an attempt to obtain basic data for evaluating food intaike and quality of life in patients after gastrectomy, the actual state of nutritional intake was investigated in these patients for 6 mouths after discharge from the hospital. The subjects were 56 gastrectomized patients who consented to fill in 3-day meal record sheets. During the 6-month course after discharge, the amount of food intake was greatest in the first 3 mouths, but no increase was observed in either calorie or nutrient intake with the course of time after discharge. Food intake was not always consistent with quality of life. When food intake was assessed according to the patient's surgical procedure, the percent intake of fat and Fe was lower in patients after total gastrectomy than in other. Calorie intake did not meet the amount required for basal metabolism in about 20% of patients who underwent total gastrectomy for advanced cancer. 続きを見る


二渡, 玉江 ; 新井, 治子 ; 今井, 由美 ; 鹿沼, 千鶴子 ; 須永, 千春 ; 伊藤, 善一
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  12  pp.51-57,  1992-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />An existing state of sleep and rest disturbances caused by medical and nursing interventions, considered a primary cause of psychiatric disturbance in ICU patients, was examined at Gunma University Hospital. The examination was carried out on 5. postoperative patients who had received cardiovascular surgery. The survey started immediately after admission to the unit, and ended at the time of discharge from the environment (up to 3 days). In 3 of 5 cases, sleep and rest were interrupted by hourly therapy and procedures. Physical and psychiatric burdens increased in proportion to the duration of time in the ICU. Most of the patients expressed their fear and anxiety saying they had been on the verge of mad because each day in the ICU had been too long for them to stay calm. Sleep and rest disturbances caused by medical and nursing interventions were frequently observed during the time between 5 A.M. and 9 P.M. Sixty percent of all causes of disturbances were caused by respiratory care such as suctioning, frequent position change and gargling, cardiovascular monitoring, and conversations with visitors or ICU staff. 続きを見る


二渡, 玉江 ; 新井, 治子 ; 伊藤, 善一
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  11  pp.67-73,  1991-03-29.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />As an approach to understanding patients' reactions against changes in body image, a survey of correlation between body image and personality undertaken using the Body-cathexis scale and Gilford-Martin inventory modified by Yatabe was conducted for a total of 460 high school students. Female students were less satisfied with their body parts and functions than male students, especially with regards legs and body proportions. Male students tended to be dissatisfied with heigth and body proportions. The students in co-educational high school were less dissatisfied with the external appearance of their bodies those in boys only or girls only high schools. Ratings concerning sense of inferiority and incooperativeness scored by male and female subiects were proportionately correlated with dissatisfaction with body parts and function. In female subgects, ratings of activity, superintendence and sociality were highly correlated with satisfaction with body parts and functions, however, only the rating of activity was correlated with such satisfaction in male subgects. 続きを見る