

中村, 卓人 ; 小林, 佳弘 ; 古畑, 朋彦 ; 新井, 雅隆
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. B編.  75  pp.1363-1370,  2009-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Nano meter size particulate matter (nano-PM) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have harmful effects for human health. It was thought that PAHs were a precursor of nano-PM. Then fundamental information of PAHs behavior in combustion process has been required to establish reduction technologies for nano-PM emission. In this paper, PAHs concentration, PM composition, and number concentration of PM in diffusion flames of methane (CH_4) and propane (C_3H_8) were investigated. As the result, benzene and toluene formed from fuel (methane or propane) had the two peaks at upstream and at downstream of PAHs-soot transition region in the flames. Moreover, concentration of PAHs formed from propane was higher than that formed from methane. In addition, both of soot and SOF compositions in PM formed from propane flame showed higher concentrations than those in methane flame. 続きを見る


小林, 佳弘 ; 新井, 雅隆
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. B編.  75  pp.184-191,  2009-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Nano meter size particulate matter (PM) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have harmful effects for human health. Investigations of the fundamental characteristic of PAHs behavior in combustion process were required for the establishment of the reduction technologies for nano-PM emission. In this paper, PAHs characteristics in diffusion flames of propane gas were investigated using laser diagnostic and gas sampling methods. A laser induced fluorescence (LIF) method was used to obtain the spatial distributions of PAHs. Spatial distributions of soot were also measured by a laser induced incandescence (LII) method. A transition region from PAHs to soot was defined from the results of LIF and LII. Further, PAH concentrations in the test flames were measured using a gas chromatography (GC), and the profiles of PAHs concentrations in the test flames were investigated. As the results, heavier molecules PAHs such as fluorene and pyrene were confirmed as precursors of soot. 続きを見る


小林, 佳弘 ; 天谷, 賢児 ; 古畑, 朋彦 ; 新井, 雅隆
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. B編.  74  pp.475-481,  2008-02-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />In this study, formation mechanisms of PM (particulate matter) and its precursor (PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)) were investigated as a fundamental PM study of diesel fuel combustion. A laminar diffusion flame of diesel fuel at a small pool-wick combustion equipment was used as the test flame. Spatial distributions of PAHs and soot in the flame were measured by a laser induced fluorescence (LIF) and a laser induced incandescence (LIT) methods. Emission spectra of PAHs fluorescence were analyzed by a spectroscope. Since the peak wavelength of the LIF spectrum of PAHs could be described as a function of the carbon number of PAHs, the molecular size of PAHs could be estimated. PAH species in the flame were measured using a gas chromatography (GC). LIF and GC data were compared for understanding the transition behavior from PAH to soot. These results suggested that the PAHs molecules rapidly grew up to the soot particles at nucleation area of PM. It was confirmed that relatively small PAHs species such as benzene and toluene existed in sooting region, however, the larger PAHs such as fluorine and pyrene could not be observed in the sooting region. 続きを見る


小林, 佳弘 ; 斉藤, 孝充 ; 天谷, 賢児 ; 古畑, 朋彦 ; 新井, 雅隆
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. B編.  72  pp.1835-1842,  2006-07-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Since the engine combustion is affected by a variety of parameter such as well as fuel characteristics, it is very difficult to find out the clear effect of fuel property. In order to clarify the change of emission characteristic caused by fuel change, we propose a fundamental flame research method using a small pool-wick flame system. By using this system, PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) formation mechanism in a flame was investigated as a fundamental study of diesel combustion. Characteristics of PAHs formation in a laminar diffusion flame were measured by a laser induced fluorescence (LIF) method. It was compared with PM charactersistics measured by a laser induced incandescence (LII) method. The effect of the lubricating oil contamination on the PAHs distributions in the flame was discussed. As the result, it was found that the PAHs concentration in the flame increased with increasing the lubricating oil contamination and it caused the increase of PM formation in the flame. 続きを見る


佐藤, 桂司 ; 林田, 和宏 ; 宮川, 拓 ; 天谷, 賢児 ; 新井, 雅隆
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. B編.  70  pp.2183-2190,  2004-08-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) method was applied to the measurement of PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) in a propane diffusion flame. Various PAHs were excited by a KrF excimer laser and a dye-laser pumped by the XeF excimer laser. By measuring the enission spectra of various PAHs vapors, it was found that the peak wavelength in the emission spectrom of LIF shifted to the longer wavelength side with an increase of PAHs carbon numbers. The carbon numbers of PAHs in a diffusion flame was presumed from the data of peak wavelength of emission spectrum. It was confirmed that the carbon numbers of PAHs in the diffusion flame increased as approaching to the flame surface. The maximum carbon number was about 26 at the layer close to the flame surface. 続きを見る


林田, 和宏 ; 天谷, 賢児 ; 白井, 紘行 ; 新井, 雅隆
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. B編.  70  pp.1834-1841,  2004-07-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />LIF thermometry in a sooting diffusion flame was newly proposed based on a spe ctral matching method. A tunable ArF excimer laser was used to excite the several absorption lines in the D^2Σ^+←X^2II(0, 1) band system of NO. In the case of sooting diffusion flame, emission spectrum consisted of NO and O_2 fluorescence, and off-resonance emissions related to the soot. The O_2 fluorescence and the off-resonance emissions overlapped on the NO fluorescence. However, the offresonance emissions near the vacuum ultraviolet region (VUV) were weaker than the NO fluorescence, and the ε(0, 3) band of the NO fluorescence, which appeared near the VUV region, was free from the O_2 fluorescence. Therefore, NO rotational temperature in a sooting diffusion flame could be measured by the spectral matching method using the ε(0, 3) band. By using this technique, NO rotational temperature in a propane diffusion flame could be measured. 続きを見る


佐藤, 桂司 ; 林田, 和宏 ; 天谷, 賢児 ; 新井, 雅隆
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. B編.  70  pp.1051-1057,  2004-04-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />In this paper, separation of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) due to PAHs and incandescence (LII) due to soot by time-resolved measurement was demonstrated for the propane diffusion flame. Laser-induced fluorescence method for the measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in diffusion flame was developed. A KrF excimer laser was used for excite the PAHs. Strong laser-induced incandescence due to soot was appeared with fluorescence signal due to PAHs. In order to separate the signals into LII and the PAHs-LIF detected from diffusion flame, time-resolved measurement was carried out. A pico-second gate CCD camera with a image intensifier was used taking a time-resolved image. From the two different images, which were taken at different time-delay, PAHs-LIF and LII were obtained. Intensity distributions of PAHs-LIF and LII were measured on the flame axis. Overlap region of the LIF and LII was observed around the onset position of the yellow flame. In this region, LIF intensity decreased and LII intensity increased along the flow direction. It seemed that this region was transition region from the PAHs to soot and was attributed the presence of soot precursor. 続きを見る


林田, 和宏 ; 天谷, 賢児 ; 新井, 雅隆
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. B編.  65  pp.1793-1799,  1999-05-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Laser induced fluorescence was applied for the measurement of OH concentration in the propane diffusion flames. A tunable, narrow band KrF excimer laser was used to excite the A(ν'=3)←X(ν""=0) band of OH radical. An emission spectrum of the induced light from the flames was measured by a spectroscope. An OH fluorescence component was picked up from the emission spectrum in order to obtain the accurate distribution of OH fluorescence in the flames. We call this method for spectrum-LIF (S-LIF). The spectrum of the induced light from the diffusion flames was compared with that of the premixed flames. Although the spectrum had only OH fluorescence components in the case of premixed flames, high intensity emission from the yellow flame appeared on the LlF image in the case of diffusion flames. To remove the high intensity emission from the LIF image, off resonance image was deducted from the OH resonance image as the background image. Using this deduction method, a planer laser induced fluorescence (P-LIF) was tried to measure the distribution of OH fluorescence. OH fluorescence distribution measured by P-LIF was compared with that of S-LIF. As the result, the P-LIF image qualitatively agreed with the data of S-LIF. 続きを見る


新井, 雅隆 ; 天谷, 賢児 ; 長倉, 邦仁
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. B編.  64  pp.1925-1931,  1998-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Laser induced fluorescence method was applied for the measurement of NO concen tration in the propane and methane diffusion flames. A tunable, narrow band ArF excimer laser was used to excite the D (υ′=0) ←X (υ″=1) band of NO molecule. Emission spectrum of the induced light by a laser beam was measured by a spectroscope. Spectrum of the induced light from the diffusion flame was compared with that of the premixed flame. Although the spectrum had only NO fluorescence components on premixed flame, a lot of strong spectrum components related to the laser induced incandescence of the soot and laser induced breakdown appeared in the spectrum from the diffusion flame. NO fluorescence component was picked out from the emission spectrum with traversing the irradiate position of laser beam in order to obtain the accurate distribution of NO fluorescence on the flame axis. In this paper this method was named as S-LIF method. A planer laser induced fluorescence (P-LIF) method was tried to measure the distribution of NO fluorescence on the flame axis. In the P-LIF method, an interference filter was used to remove the obstructive light component from the LIF image. NO fluorescence distribution measured by P-LIF method was compared with that of S-LIF method. As the result, the P-LIF image qualitatively agreed with the data of S-LIF. It was confirmed that the interference filter did not remove completely the obstructive light components. 続きを見る