

神田, 清子 ; 太田, 紀久子 ; 瀬戸, 正子 ; 土屋, 純
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  13  pp.17-22,  1993-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />The purpose of this study is to compare the frequency of depression in one hundred healthy adults (control group) and 66 out-patients with hypertention (hypertention group). The frequency of depression was estimated by the Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS tests) which consist of twenty items of depression status. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The depression rate of sexual desire in the hypertention group was significantly higher than that of the control group. 2. The score of SDS in the hypertention group was significantly lower than control group. 3. The depression rate in hypertention group was slightly lower than that in control group. From the results above mentioned, we concluded that it is necessary to observe the decrease in sexual desire symptoms in outpatients with hypertention. 続きを見る


神田, 清子 ; 瀬戸, 正子 ; 太田, 紀久子 ; 土屋, 純
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  12  pp.59-65,  1992-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of depression in 85 caregivers for the disabled elderly in the community. The frequency of depression was estimated by the Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS tests) which consists of twenty items of depression status. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Among caregivers, high score items were sexual desire, emotional fluctuatios, hopelessness, fatigue, emptyness and dissatisfaction. 2. The scores of SDS in the caregivers were slightly higher than Healthy adults. 3. The depression rate in the caregivers were slightly higher than Healthy adults. 4. The depression scores increased with the lenght of the care and difficulties encounterd. The results of the factor analysis suggested the importance of providing support by health professionals to caregivers demonstrating need. 続きを見る


神田, 清子 ; 瀬戸, 正子 ; 土屋, 純
出版情報: 群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要.  10  pp.51-57,  1990-03-31.  群馬大学医療技術短期大学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />The purpose of this study is to compare the frequency of depression in one hundred healthy adults (control group) and one hundred outpatients with hematological malignancies (tumor group). The frequency of depression was estimated by the Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS tests) which consist of twenty items of depression status. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The score of SDS in the tumor group was similar to the control group. 2. The depression rate in women with hematological malignancies was slightly higher than that in control women. 3. The depression rate of sleeping, appetite, decrease in weight, tachycardia and fatigue in the tumor group was significantly higher than that of the control group. From the results above mentioned, we concluded it is necessary to observe the depression symptoms in patients with hematological malignancies, especially in women. 続きを見る