

by Rebecca Kai Dotlich ; pictures by Gynux
出版情報: New York, NY : Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, [2013] , c2011
シリーズ名: I can read book ;
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edited by Valerio Pascucci ... [et al.]
出版情報: Berlin : Springer, c2011-c2012
シリーズ名: Mathematics and visualization
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Abe, Eiko ; Hayashi, Kunihiko ; Matsumura, Yasuhiro ; Sugai, Yuichi
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  61  pp.471-478,  2011-11-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />Background: Although unintentional weight loss is a frequently encountered problem in care settings ,\nlittle is known about when it starts. The authors observed body weight longitudinally in an elderly\npopulation and examined its association with mortality. M ethods : Body weight was monitored in\nresidents who lived in a nursing home for the elderly in Tokyo between fiscal years 2002 and 2004,with\nthe final observation date set at October 2008 for survivors and at the date of death for those who died.\nThe 3-year period before the final date was divided into six periods. A linear regression coefficient was\ncalculated as the rate of weight change for each period and compared between survivors and those who\ndied. Results : In the mortality group, significant weight loss was seen from 24 months before\ndeath : -0.42kg, -0.62kg, -0.90kg, and -1.78kg in 19-24 months, 13-18 months, 7-12 months, and\n1-6 months before death, respectively. In the survival group, there was no significant change in any\nperiod. Logistic regression analysis showed that weight change adjusted by sex,age,dementia,and BMI\nwas significantly associated with mortality. The weight loss was large in residents with dementia.\nConclusions : Weight loss began 2 years before death. The findings suggest the importance of daily\nweight measurements to detect changes associated with mortality. 続きを見る


Adachi, Satoshi ; Yamamoto, Atsushi ; Kobayashi, Tsutomu ; Tajika, Tsuyoshi ; Kaneko, Tetsuya ; Shibusawa, Kazuyuki ; Takagishi, Kenji
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  61  pp.479-482,  2011-11-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />Background & Aims : De Quervain’s disease is known as a representative disease that causes wrist pa in,\nhowever, its epidemiology remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the prevalence\nof de Quervain’s disease among the general population and to identify its risk factors. M ethods : The\nsubjects participated in the examinations consisted of 402 people(total of 804 hands),including 157 males\nand 245 females with mean age of 64.1 years. We recorded the subjects’background and medical history\nand then performed physical examinations. We determined the prevalence of de Quervain’s disease and\nconducted a statistical analysis to investigate their background factors. Results : De Quervain’s disease\nwas present in 3.7% (15/402 people) and the prevalence by age group was 9.8% in their forties,3.6% in\ntheir fifties,1.8% in their sixties,3.9% in their seventies,and 3.7% in their eighties. The prevalence was\nsignificantly higher in females than in males. No difference was found in terms of the mean age, hand\ndominance, height,weight, heaviness of labor activity and presence of medical complication. Conclusions\n: In the general population, 3.7% of 402 people had de Quervain’s disease, and its risk factor was\nidentified to be females. 続きを見る


Shimada, Takehiro ; Amanuma, Makoto ; Takahashi, Ayako ; Tsushima, Yoshito
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  61  pp.483-487,  2011-11-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare non-contrast 3T renal MRA with that of 1.5T unit.\nM ethods and M aterials : We performed renal MRA in twelve volunteers using a 1.5T and 3T unit. For\nrenal MRA, 3D SSFP sequence was used. For quantitative evaluation,ROI was set on the aorta,main\nstems of bilateral renal arteries, and IVC, measuring flow signal at each point. Signal intensity ratio\n(SIR) of renal artery relative to the parenchyma and IVC were calculated. For subjective analysis,two\nreaders evaluated visual quality. Results : SIR of the both renal artery on 3T MRA were significantly\nhigher than those on 1.5T (p<0.01). On subjective analysis,the mean visualization score of renal main\nstem showed no statistically significant difference. However,the scores of the peripheral branches on 3T\nwas significantly higher than those of 1.5T bilaterally(p<0.05). IVC showed significantly lower signal\nratio on 3T relative to that on 1.5T. Conclusion : 3T MRA showed superior demonstration of renal\narteries compared with 1.5T MRA. The intraparenchymal peripheral branches are especially well\ndemonstrated on 3T MRA. Decreased venous signal on 3T system contributed to the selective arterial\ndemonstration. 続きを見る


出版情報: pp.1-113,  2011-09-30.  群馬大学工学研究科
概要: Thesis or Dissertation<br />学位記番号:工博甲430


Oidov, Batgerel ; Sakamoto, Hironosuke ; Kawada, Etsuo ; Morita, Toyoho ; Ohyama, Yoshio ; Koyama, Hiroshi ; Tamura, Jun'ichi
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  61  pp.275-280,  2011-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Aims : The purposes of this study were to compare the efTects of polaprezinc and zinc chloride on serum\nzinc and copper concentrations in elderly bedridden patients receiving enteral nutrition, and to examine\nthe efTects of polaprezinc on pressure ulcer healing in those patients. Methods : Seven elderly bedridden\npatients receiving enteral nutrition entered into a crossover study of 2-week treatment periods with\npolaprezinc or zinc chloride, separated by a 4week washout period. Serum zinc and copper concentra-\ntions were compared between both treatment periods. Then, another five elderly patients with pressure\nulcers were treated with polaprezinc for 8 weeks. The assessment of pressure ulcers was made weekly\nusing the PUSH tool 3.0. Results: After 2 weeks, polaprezinc significantly increased serum zinc\nconcentrations, decreased serum copper/zinc ratios, but did not change serum copper concentrations.\nZinc chloride did not change these three parameters. Polaprezinc also produced a significant improve-\nment in PUSH score and a reduction of 81 96 in ulcer area after 8 weeks. Conclusion: The efficiency\nof absorption of zinc from polaprezinc may be much higher than that from zinc chloride in elderly\nbedridden patients receiving enteral nutrition. Polaprezinc may also have a beneficial efTect on pressure\nulcer healing in those patients. 続きを見る


Yamazaki, Chiho K. ; Shirao, Tomoaki ; Sasagawa, Yoshio ; Maruyama, Yukio ; Akita, Hisanao ; Saji, Makoto ; Sekino, Yuko
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  61  pp.287-292,  2011-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Aim : Although subcortical regions send numerous efferent fibers to the hippocampus, their involvement\nin hippocampal functions has not been fu11y elucidated. The aim of this study was to determine the\nefTect of the supram ammillary nucleus (SuM) on the hippocampus. Methods : Neurons within the SuM\nof rats were destroyed by local injections of an excitotoxin, ibotenic acid, and the efTects of the\nSuM-lesion on behaviors in an open field were investigated. Results: SuM lesions increased distance\ntraveled, movement time and latency to start grooming, while they decreased time spent grooming. SuM\nlesions had no efTect on rearing frequency or immobility time. Conclusion : Prolonged exploration and\ndecrease in the total time spent grooming observed in the SuM-lesioned rats were consistent with the\nbeh avi oral characteri stics of hippocamp al -lesioned rats of the previ ous report s, suggesting that the SuM\nis involved in the establishment of spatial memory by hippocampus during the initial exploration of a\nnovel environment. In addition, the reduction of grooming in the SuM-lesioned animal suggests that\nSuM may be involved in emotion, such as anxiety. The results ofthis study show the involvement ofthe\nSuM in hippocampal function and in anxiety perceived in anovel environment. 続きを見る


Ito, Mayumi ; Kamata, Hisako
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  61  pp.307-317,  2011-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Purpose: The study was conducted to ascertain changes in life and social activity among elderly\nmyocardial infarction (hereafter MI) patients in two years after leaving hospital and to identify their\ncauses. Methods: Ten persons aged over 65 who had the first MI were visited during a period to two\nyears after being released from hospital to carry out a prospective study. A semi-structured interview was\nconducted and the social activity indicator was used to measure social activity. Results : The score of\nthe social activity indicator was thelowest in the third month after leaving hospital, which then increased\nup to the twelfth month. However, it dropped two years after leaving hospital. In the high activity\nlevel five cases made a good recovery in their social activity and quality oflife. On the other hand, in\ntwo cases their recovery remained only at about 5096. In the low activity level group the score of the\nsocial activity indicator slightly declined in the third month, which was maintained up to the twelfth\nmonth, and further dropped two years after leaving hospital. As to infiuencing factors fbr expanding\nsocial activity, the patient had anxiety about a recurrence of paroxysms and chest pain and the family had\nthe same fear also in six cases. Conclusions: This study implied the necessity ofincluding the following\nsupport in continuous nursing for elderly MI patients: to assess the conditions and socio-psychological\nmaladaptation of the patients who show no signs of expanding their social activity for six months after\nleaving hospital, to assess the patient!s and family!s fear of a recurrence of paroxysms. 続きを見る


Ito, Mayumi ; Kamata, Hisako
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  61  pp.319-326,  2011-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Purpose : The study was conducted to ascert ain what was actually done for elderly myocardi al infarction\n(hereafter MI) patients by proficient nurses and to identify problems with selficare that they encountered\nin their daily nursing practice. Methods: A focus-group interview was carried out on proficient nurses\nin two hospitals. The interview was recorded and later transcribed for inductive qualitative analysis.\nResults : Content-wise problems with selficare that proficient nurses encountered in their nursing care\nwere related to the issues of a low-salt diet, medication management, and activities, whereas method-wise\nproblems were related to the issues of a decline in understanding and cognitive abilities, family functions,\nand continuity of nursing. The major place of nursing for patients was the hospital ward (treatment\nright after MI). Out of the features categorized into 1 5 extracted from my preceding study, the categories\nthat were frequently confirmed by both groups were: "Patient!s anxiety about recurrence," "Reduction\nin the level and scope of activities," and "Observation of the process up to coronary angiography after\nleaving hospital." This study added three categories as to issues in continuous nursing. Conclusions :\nIn order to cope with difficulties in supporting elderly patients who had selficare problems in a limited\nperiod of hospitalization, important were the continuity of nursing in the ward, the outpatient depart-\nment and a hospital stay for examination, and coordination with people in other domains such as\nregistered dieticians and pharmacists. 続きを見る