

中島, 照雄
出版情報: 群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集.  16  pp.197-216,  2009-03-31.  群馬大学社会情報学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />This report for Sustainable Society gives the expansion of Account ing Information for the\nPresent Society, is presented as follows :\n1. Introduction -Social Information and Accounting Informatio -.\n2. Asymmetry of Information and Disclosure ― For Sustainable Society―.\n3. Issues of the Present Society and Citizen Life Accounting.\n4. Environmental Policy ― Extended Producer Responsibilities and Wastes―.\n5. Generational Accounting ― Social Security; Public Pension,Health and Long-Term Care\n―.\n6. Public Sector Accounting in Local Government and Accounting for Nonprofit Organizations\n(Next Journal).\n7. Conclusion (Next Journal).\nIn the above chapters, I have investigated various issues of Citizen Life Accounting for\nSustainable Society. 続きを見る


中島, 照雄
出版情報: 群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集.  10  pp.151-169,  2003-03-31.  群馬大学社会情報学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />The Japanese population is aging faster than any other in the world, a situation which causing serious problems for society. So, Lifetime employment and seniority systems once characterized Japanese companies, but in recent years the situation has been changing. This report gives a study of Concepts of Management and Accounting for Ageless Society, and so on, is presented as follows: 1. Introduction. 2. Aging Society in the World and Aged Society in Japan: Overview. 3. Income and Expenditure, Labor, Social Welfare of Households with Elderly Persons (65 years or older). 4. Concept of Ageless Society. 5. Reform of Employment System, and so on. 6. Issues Regarding Management and Accounting Systems for Ageless Society. 7. Conclusion. In the above chapters, I have investigated various issues of Management and Accounting for Ageless Society. 続きを見る


中島, 照雄
出版情報: 群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集.  5  pp.151-168,  1998-03-20.  群馬大学社会情報学部
概要: application/pdf<br />Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />This report offers an entirely new way of thinking about, measurring, reporting, and making social and economic policy. This new approach, called "Generational Accounting." This is forward-1ooking. This offers people thinking about their future tax payments to and their future transfer payments from the government. It reveals how much money the government, now and in the future, is slated to take from each contemporary generation as well as from those generations not yet born. And, this report, which gives a study of Government Accounting, is presented as follows : 1. Introduction. 2. Increase of Welfare Expenses. 3. Expand of Government's Budget Deficit. 4. Issues of Generational Accounting. 5.Issues of Government Accounting.6. Conclusion-A Sprout of Culture on Accoanting-. In the above chapters, I have investigated various issues regarding Generational Accounting and Government Accounting and tried to come up with a subject for future trend of the system. 続きを見る