

Maemura, Michio ; Roppongi, Takashi ; Iwanami, Kotaro ; Numaga, Yuki ; Tsuboi, Miki ; Oyama, Tetsunari ; 前村, 道生 ; 六本木, 隆 ; 岩波, 弘太郎 ; 沼賀, 有紀 ; 坪井, 美樹 ; 小山, 徹也
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  61  pp.531-535,  2011-11-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />症例は右乳癌で乳切後の69歳女性.平成14年の手術後5年間アロマターゼ阻害剤を内服している.平成\n21年の乳癌検診時,マンモグラフィで左乳房の異常陰影を指摘され当院受診.マンモグラフィでは左A領域 \nに長径1.Ocmの孤立性腫瘤陰影を認め,超音波検査でも同部位にhypoechoic lesionを認めたが,検診時には\n触知されていない.局所麻酔下に摘出したところ,割面最大径1.Ocmの腫瘤を認め,病理組織学的にはscirr-\nhousに浸潤した癌細胞の細胞質に広くアポクリン様変化を認めたためアポクリン癌と診断した. ER, PgR,\nHER2いずれも陰性であった.残存乳房照射以外に術後補助療法は実施せず経過観察中である. 続きを見る


Horiguchi, Jun ; Koibushi, Yukio ; Rokutanda, Nana ; Nagaoka, Rin ; Ishikawa, Yuko ; Odawata, Hiroki ; Iino, Yuichi ; Sakurai, Hideyuki ; Oyama, Tetsunari ; Izumi, Takeyoshi
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  57  pp.221-224,  2007-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Background& Aims: True local recurrences(TR)and new primary tumors(NP)in the c onserved breast\nafter breast-conserving surgery with radiation therapy are determined by the initial surgical margin, the\nlocation of recurrent tumors and the histological consistency between initial tumors and recurrent tumors.\nMethods: A total of 15 patients with breast recurrence out of a group of 389 women with breast cancer\nwho underwent breast-conserving therapy between 1991 and 2003 were included in this study. The\nbiological differences between TR and NP were examined. Results: Eight patients had TR, and seven\nhad NP. The disease-free interval was 34.6 months in the TR group and 94.1 in the NP group.\nBreast-free survival was significantly better in the NP group than the TR group. The accumulated\n10-year overall survival after salvage surgery in patients with TR or NP tumors was 85.1%. The\naccumulated overall survival after salvage surgery was better in the NP group than the TR group.\nConclusions: Patients with NP tumors have a favorable prognosis compared to those with TR tumors.\nIt is important to determine the type of breast recurrence in order to accurately predict the prognosis of\npatients with breast recurrence. 続きを見る


Yoshida, Takashi ; Koibuchi, Yukio ; Horiguchi, Jun ; Iijima, Kotaro ; Kikuchi, Mami ; Takata, Daisuke ; Rokutanda, Nana ; Nagaoka, Rin ; Sato, Ayako ; Oyama, Tetsunari ; Iino, Yuichi ; Morishita, Yasuo
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  56  pp.237-239,  2006-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />We present a rare case of a 26-year old woman with diffuse sclerosing variant of papillary thyroid\ncarcinoma. The patient was referred to our hospital with diffuse enlargement of the thyroid accompanied\nwith palpable bilateral cervical lymph nodes. Ultrasonography showed a heterogeneous\npattern with ill-defined hypoechoic areas in both thyroid lobes. There were multiple small punctate\nechogenic foci. Fine-needle aspiration cytology revealed typical signs of papillary carcinoma. The\npatient underwent a total thyroidectomy using a bilateral modified neck dissection. Pathological\nfindings demonstrated diffuse involvement and continuous infiltration of the tumors to both thyroid\nlobes, lymph nodes and cervical soft tissue. Postoperatively, 100 mCi of 131I was administrated to the\nsmall amount of residual thyroid tissue. The patient is free from recurrence one year after the operation. 続きを見る


Iijima, Kotaro ; Yoshimoto, Masataka ; Horiguchi, Jun ; Oyama, Tetsunari ; Morishita, Yasuo ; Kasumi, Fujio ; Sakamoto, Goi
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  56  pp.93-99,  2006-05-01.  北関東医学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Background & Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of pregnancy on breast\ncancer prognosis by analyzing clinical and pathological features of young patients with breast cancer in\nrelation to last birth. Method: A total of 622 young breast cancer patients under 35 years of age\nundergoing surgical treatment between 1960 and 1990 at Cancer Institute Hospital were included in this\nstudy. The patients were classified into four groups; group A patients who were diagnosed during\npregnancy or within one year after delivery, group B patients who were diagnosed from one to three years\nafter delivery, group C patients who were diagnosed three years or more after delivery, and group D\npatients who were nulliparous. All four groups were examined from the viewpoint of clinical and\npathological findings with regard to age, disease duration, first childbirth, clinical stage, histopathological\ntype, lymph node metastasis, and survival. Furthermore, nuclear grade and immunohistochemical\nstaining of both estrogen receptor (ER) and factor-VIII were examined in early-stage breast\ncancer patients. Result: The incidence of early-stage(0, I and II) breast cancer was significantly(p<\n0.05) lower in group A (69%) than in groups C (88%) and D (85%). The incidence of nodal involvement\ndecreased from group A (61%), B (59%), C (51%) to D (43%) in that order. The incidence of\nnodal involvement in group D was significantly (p<0.05) lower than that in groups A and B. The\npositive rate of estrogen receptor increased from group A (50%), B (56%) to C (72%) in that order. \nDisease-free survival was significantly (p<0.05) more favorable in group D than in groups A and C. \nThe similar result was obtained in patients with clinically early-stage breast cancer. Conclusion:\nPatients who developed breast cancer during pregnancy or within less than one year postpartum have a\npoor prognosis among patients under 35 years old. Patients having no childbirth history generally have\na high risk factor of developing breast cancer, however, breast cancer patients without childbirth history\nunder 35 years old result in a favourable prognosis. 続きを見る