

Nakajima, Kumiko ; Sawano, Sayaka ; Kunikiyo, Kyoko ; Arai, Hiroko ; Tachiki, Kaori ; Fukasawa, Tomoko ; Iwanaga, Kikuko ; Tokiwa, Yoko
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  63  pp.51-59,  2013-02-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />This study was conducted to clarify the differences and commonalities in perceptions regarding husb ands’supportiveness for their wives’satisfaction during pregnancy between husbands and wives with older children. This report also discusses the effect of nursing care that enhances the supportiveness provided by husbands during their wives’pregnancy. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with two multiparous couples during pregnancy. All interviews were transcribed and a qualitative inductive analysis was performed using Berelson's Content Analysis methods. The following five categories were identified regarding the husbands' supportiveness during their multiparous wives' pregnancy:[Increased consciousness of parenthood toward the unborn baby];[Empathy regarding wife’sphysical and mental health arising from the previous pregnancy and childbirth , and addition of a new baby]; [Support with housework to show empathy for the multiparous wife]; [Care of older children to show empathy ofr the multiparous wife]; [Akjustment of roles in the parenting older children.] From the discussion about the common and different perceptions between multiparous couples, the following suggestion emerges. Nursing care should focus on enhancing the intimacy of a couple, strengthening the family system, increasing consciousness of parenthood toward an unborn baby, and adjusting the role in the parenting of older children. 続きを見る


Nakajima, Kumiko ; Ito, Reiko ; Kunikiyo, Kyoko ; Arai, Hiroko ; Sakamoto, Shinobu ; Shinozaki, Hiromitu ; Tokiwa, Yoko ; 中島, 久美子 ; 伊藤, 玲子 ; 國清, 恭子 ; 荒井, 洋子 ; 阪本, 忍 ; 篠崎, 博光 ; 常盤, 洋子
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  61  pp.327-340,  2011-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />[目 的]妊娠期にある共働き夫婦を対象に,妻が満足と感じる夫の関わりにおける夫婦の認識を明らかに\nし,妻が満足と感じる夫の関わりを高める看護援助への示唆を 得る.[対象と方法]共働き夫婦3組を対象\nに,妻が満足と感じる夫の関わりにおける夫婦の認識ついて半構成的面接法によリデータを収集し,分析は\nベレルソンの内容分析法を参考に行った.[結 果]共働き夫婦において妻が満足と感じる夫の関わりに\nおける夫婦の認識は,[妊娠の知らせに対する喜び][仕事の継続への理解と話し合い][仕事や妊娠咄産に\n伴う心身への気づかい][家事の分担][親になるための準備]の5カテゴリーが抽出され,共働き夫婦の認識\nの共通性および差異が明らかとなった.[結 語]共働き夫婦が認識する妊娠期の妻が満足と感じる夫の\n関わりにおいて,5カテゴリーが抽出され,共働き夫婦の認識の共通性および差異が明らかとなった.妻が満\n足と感じる夫の関わりを高める看護援助として,夫婦の間で気持ちの共有と夫婦の協働的な作業や艮好なコ\nミュニケーションが強化されるように夫婦に働きかけることが重要であると示唆された. 続きを見る