

Purev, Odonchimeg ; Enkhjargal, Manduul ; Ogawa, Shota ; Purevsukh, Tugsjargal ; Dagvasumberel, Munkhbaatar ; Oidov, Batgerel ; Taketomi-Takahashi, Ayako ; Tsushima, Yoshito ; Iwase, Akira ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  71  pp.296-274,  2021-11-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article


Nakamura, Hideharu ; Makiguchi, Takaya ; Kobayashi, Mio ; Aoki, Daichi ; Hirai, Yuki ; Yamatsu, Yukie ; Shoda, Koki ; Mori, Yumi ; Sirabe, Ken ; Iwase, Akira ; Yokoo, Satoshi ; 中村, 英玄 ; 牧口, 貴哉 ; 小林, 未央 ; 青木, 大地 ; 平井, 優樹 ; 山津, 幸恵 ; 正田, 晃基 ; 森, 有実 ; 調, 憲
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  71  pp.207-210,  2021-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article


Hoshino, Masamichi ; Shinozaki, Hiromitsu ; Ogawa, Shota ; Hayashi, Kunihiko ; Itoh, Masahiro ; Iwase, Akira
出版情報: The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学.  70  pp.207-213,  2020-08-01.  北関東医学会
概要: Journal Article<br />Background & Aim: Wearing seat belt is an effective tool to protect both pregnant women and their unborn babies. Pregnant women are more likely to use seat belt if they have acquired knowledge on how to wear seat belt correctly during pregnancy. This study aims to examine the association between exposure to information on seat belts and usual seat belt use in daily life during pregnancy. Methods: We employed a descriptive analysis of cross-sectional survey data collected through self-administered questionnaires at seven obstetric facilities in Maebashi City, a provincial city in Japan. Between October and December 2013, 1,278 pregnant women completed questionnaires, containing items such as the frequency of rear seat belt use and the sources from which they had received information on the issue. Results: We found that 444 participants (34.7%) received information on seat belt use during pregnancy mainly from magazines or administrative bodies, while 834 (65.3%) did not. We also found that pregnant women who received more information from more sources were more likely to wear seat belts while sitting in the rear seat. Conclusions: These findings suggest that increased information on the correct method of wearing seat belts during pregnancy may increase the number of pregnant women who wear seat belts. Our study has implications for protecting the safety of both pregnant women and their children. 続きを見る