

京都西山短期大学 [編]
出版情報: 長岡京 : 京都西山短期大学, 2006.3-2023.3
オンライン: https://seizan.ac.jp/outline/bulletin/
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Japan Oil Chemists' Society
出版情報: Tokyo : Japan Oil Chemists' Society, 2001-2023
オンライン: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jos/list/-char/ja
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大阪大学大学院文学研究科 [編]
出版情報: 豊中 : 大阪大学大学院文学研究科, 2008.12-2022.12
オンライン: https://ir.library.osaka-u.ac.jp/repo/ouka/all/
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出版情報: 東京 : 日本評論社, 2013-2022
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出版情報: 東京 : 有斐閣, 2012.5-2022.4
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ITO, Kenichi ; 伊藤, 賢一
出版情報: 群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集.  28  pp.1-15,  2021-03-01.  群馬大学社会情報学部
概要: Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />As many schools across Japan have been abruptly closed since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 epidemic, we thought it was necessary to investigate how children across the country were spending their time under these circumstances. This paper provides an overview of the situation of children's Internet use and the concerns of their parents during the period of school recess, and discusses the social attributes that tend to be associated with the long hours of media use, and examines how the responses differ depending on the characteristics of the respondents. 続きを見る


SUEMATSU, Michiko ; 末松, 美知子
出版情報: 群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集.  28  pp.17-28,  2021-03-01.  群馬大学社会情報学部
概要: Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />As a preliminary study to assess the impact of digitalization on Shakespeare performanc e and performance studies in general, this paper discusses how digitalization in the past few decades transformed Shakespeare performance per se, media to watch performance, and performance studies in UK and Japan. The Royal Shakespeare Company production of The Tempest (2016-17) is chosen as one of the most successful examples of Shakespeare performance that goes digital. The cutting-edge digital technology not only has created remarkable visual representations of ‘magic’ but successfully become integrated in the play’s dramatic narrative. Digitalization has also diversified the experience of watching performances beyond theatre via broadcast at movie theaters such as RSC Live from Stratford and NT Live, and digital platforms such as Globe Player and Digital Theatre. The paper also explores how digitalization can open up a new possibility of performance studies beyond geographic and time constraints, focusing on one of the digital archives, Asian Shakespeare Intercultural Archive (A|S|I|A), a multilingual online archive of Shakespeare performances from East and Southeast Asia. 続きを見る


FUJII, Masaki ; 藤井, 正希
出版情報: 群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集.  28  pp.29-52,  2021-03-01.  群馬大学社会情報学部
概要: Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />After the country enacted the Hate Speech Regulation law, many local governments enacted the Hate Speech Regulation Ordinances. Among them are ordinances that take a stricter attitude toward hate speech than national law. A representative example is the Kawasaki City Ordinance. This ordinance has the first criminal penalty for hate speech in Japan. This ordinance is extremely noteworthy. This paper aims to point out the ideal hate speech regulation Ordinance by comprehensively and critically studying the hate speech regulation Ordinances from a constitutional point of view. 続きを見る


MIYAMOTO, Shunichi ; SUGIYAMA, Manabu ; 宮本, 俊一 ; 杉山, 学
出版情報: 群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集.  28  pp.53-65,  2021-03-01.  群馬大学社会情報学部
概要: Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />While working as an Admission Coordinator at Gunma University from June 2019, we became aware of the issue of the role and position of the Admission Center at various national universities. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the current role and position of the Admission Center, which was established at a national university in the 2000s. Under these circumstances, it was found that the government's recent High School/University Articulation Reforms have affected the operations of the Admission Center, and its role has been expanding. 続きを見る


MIYAMOTO, Shunichi ; SUGIYAMA, Manabu ; 宮本, 俊一 ; 杉山, 学
出版情報: 群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集.  28  pp.67-84,  2021-03-01.  群馬大学社会情報学部
概要: Departmental Bulletin Paper<br />In this paper, we look back at the history of the birth of the profession called the “A dmission Officers” belonging to the admission center of the national university. How many “Admission Officers” exist in national universities in Japan, and their personnel composition is we will clarify what is going on. In addition, we would like to consider the current status, issues, and future of "Admission Officers" in which faculty members are mainly in Japan. 続きを見る