

長屋, 幸助 ; 湯澤, 秀人 ; 村上, 岩範
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  65  pp.4653-4659,  1999-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Since a commutator of the DC-motor is divided into a number of segments to have the torque in the circumference direction, the currents in the coils of the rotor vary and have alternative waves during the rotor rotation even in a constant input voltage. The currents become sharp waves, so that they have high frequency component. This implies that the rotor shaft and the case of motor are excited electromagnetic forces with high frequency components. Since high frequency noises are loud when they are input to human ears, so that when high frequency vibrations are suppressed, noises become small. From the situation, this paper discusses a method of noise reduction of Dc Motor. In the method, the current waves are controlled to be sinusoidal waves. The method and the control algorithm are given. In order to validate the method, experimental tests are carried out. It is proven that our method is applicable to the motor noise control. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 小林, 譲二 ; 今井, 勝仁
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  65  pp.2713-2720,  1999-07-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method of micro-vibration control of milling machine heads by use of vibration absorber. The principle used in the paper is different from usual absorbers. In the present absorber, an auto-tuning vibration absorber is presented in which the absorber create anti-resonance state. When the anti-resonance is used, the damping has to be significantly small, so it is difficult to suppress higher modes. To suppress higher modes, the present article uses autotuning magnetic damper. It damps higher modes, but it also increase first modal vibration. Then a method of optimal auto tuning control is presented in which both principal and higher modal vibrations are suppressed. Experimental tests are carried out for a real milling machine, and cutting tests are also performed. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 小杉, 泰裕 ; 鈴木, 孝明 ; 村上, 岩範
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  65  pp.1530-1537,  1999-04-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />A simple but stable non-contact high Tc superconducting levitation system with a vertical shaft has been presented. The system consists of a superconductor and permanent magnets. In the system, only a lower end of the shaft is supported by a high Tc superconductor, and the other end is supported by two ordinary permanent magnets. Since the restoring force is small with respect to the radial direction the system becomes unstable when the force act in the radial direction, so it is difficult to drive the shaft by electromagnetic forces in using such as motors. Then, a driving system using electromagnets has been presented, in which the balanced forces act on two opposite sides of the disc type rotor in the axial direction. Since the system has no unbalance force from an analytical point of view, the rotor will be able to rotate without control. In the system, however, since there is the eccentricity between the center of rotation and magnetic center, so vibrations are generated. This study also presents an optimal control method of the vibrations. To validates the proposed system, and the control method, experimental tests have been carried out. 続きを見る


研究代表者 長屋幸助
出版情報: [桐生] : 長屋幸助 : [群馬大学工学部], 1999.3
シリーズ名: 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B)(2))研究成果報告書 ; 平成8年度-平成10年度
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長屋, 幸助 ; 塚越, 正人 ; 小杉, 泰裕 ; 村上, 雅人
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  64  pp.2520-2527,  1998-07-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />The present article discusses a modeling and control of high-T_c superconducting levitation system. The paper first clarifies analytical expressions for obtaining nonlinear levitation force given by the present author, then presents at vibration control method in which feedback currents involving frequency weights. In the method, an addition of a square of the displacement and currents in a frequency domain is taken as a cost function. Optimal coefficients of the transfer function of the controller are obtained by minimizing the cost function. Hence, the spillover instability due to the nonlinear vibration will be redriced. Numerical calculations have been carried out for some typical problems. To validate the present method, experimental tests also have been carried out. 続きを見る


井開, 重男 ; 樫本, 弘 ; 大沢, 恵一 ; 長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  64  pp.2542-2549,  1998-07-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents an actuator with a sensor for controlling vibrations of machines. It consists of a voice coil type electromagnetic actuator connected to piezoelectric sensor and a coil spring. The actuator is used for controlling a motor laid on the beam. The disturbance force due to the centrifugal force of the motor is detected by the sensor, and the force which is equivalent to the disturbance force is applied to the motor and the beam by the actuator. This implies that the disturbance force is canceled. The control technique as just mentioned has advantages because it reduces the vibration in the low frequency region, in addition, the actuator becomes compact, and the control force becomes small. But the control is insufficient for controlling the resonance peak. The PD control is available for reducing the resonance peak, but the displacement and velocity sensors are required. In the present article, a method of vibration control of disturbance cancellation combining the PD control is presented in which both the displacement and velocity sensors are not required. The analytical results for obtaining the control current and the response of both the motor and beam have been obtained. To validate the present actuator sensor system and the control method, experimental tests are carried out. 続きを見る


藤沢, 延行 ; 中林, 貴光 ; 池本, 宏一郎 ; 長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. B編.  64  pp.1293-1298,  1998-05-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />The active control of vortex shedding from a circular cylinder by rotary ocillations is studied experimentally using neural networks, which optimizes automatically the control parameters such as the phase lag and the feedback coefficient. This optimization procedure is applied to find out an optimum position of reference probe to attenuate the vortex shedding effectively. The attenuation effect of vortex shedding under this control is investigated by measuring the velocity fluctuations in the cylinder wake and the unsteady pressure distributions over the cylinder surface. It is found that the drag and lift forces acting on the cylinder are reduced under the optimum reference control in comparison with the control under other reference positions as well as those of the stationary cylinder. 続きを見る


井開, 重男 ; 樫本, 弘 ; 阿久澤, 享 ; 長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  64  pp.459-464,  1998-02-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a vibration isolation mechanism without resonance. The mechanism is consisting of a linear sliders, ball screw, servo-motor and a table in which there is no spring element, so the table behaves like a rigid body. In the mechanism, the servo-motor rotates the ball screw with the same displacement as the base displacement in the opposite direction. Hence the disturbance is canceled. A well known relative displacement feedback control method was first discussed, and it was shown that the method was insufficient for isolating vibrations, then a method of disturbance cancellation was presented. To validate the present mechanism and the control method, experimental tests were carried out for a model of the mechanism. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 来栖, 明法 ; 井開, 重男 ; 志谷, 佳久
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  63  pp.3796-3801,  1997-11-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />The vibrations of a structure having a vibration absorber without damper vanish at the anti-resonance frequency theoretically. Hence if the rigidity of the absorber is controlled to produce an anti-resonance state according to the forced frequency, the vibrations of the structure can be deleted for sinusoidal forces. However, external vibration force involves higher modes, in general, so the structure is excited by various frequencies. Hence it is difficult to delete the vibrations using the anti-resonance procedure. This paper presents a method to control vibration of structures by combining the auto-tuning control of anti-resonance and optimal dynamic absorbers. Theoretical results under the control have been presented. To validate the present method and the theoretical results, experimental tests have been performed. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 福島, 俊之 ; 井開, 重男 ; 金野, 英介
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  63  pp.3802-3808,  1997-11-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />A method of vibration control for a column carrying a mass at its tip subjtected to earthquakes is described. A vibration control mechanism consisting of a gear train for the column is also described. Experimental tests have been performed for a model of the present mechanism. It is shown that the vibration displacements and the moments in the column are reduced significantly in comparison with those in a conventional column without the mechanism. In the present column, energies for controlling vibrations are not required because of the use of earthquake force as a control force. Therefore, the column has advantages over the columns having an active vibration control system. 続きを見る


小林, 幸徳 ; 藤田, 聡 ; 長井, 直之 ; 片山, 圭一 ; 萩原, 一郎 ; 佐藤, 勇一 ; 山本, 圭治郎 ; 大熊, 政明 ; 須田, 義大 ; 栗田, 裕 ; 野波, 健蔵 ; 長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  63  pp.2578-2585,  1997-08-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article


長屋, 幸助 ; 井開, 重男 ; 福島, 俊之 ; 来栖, 明法 ; 樫本, 弘
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  62  pp.2721-2729,  1996-07-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />A solid-type piezoelectric actuator generates a large force, but the generated displacement is significantly small. In particular, the actuator has a large hysteresis between a control voltage and the control displacement. Hence the application of the actuator has been limited to some special areas. This paper presents a linear piezoelectric actuator without hysteresis. The actuator presented has linearization control circuits and a displacement enlargement mechanism made of elastic hinges, so that the generated displacement is in the range of displacements required for vibration control of machines. To control the actuator, a displacement sensor is used in general, but one of the ends of the sensor must be fixed to a wall. This implies that the application of the actuator is limited. Hence in this paper, an acceleration sensor is used instead of the displacement sensor. This enables us to use the actuator as a conventional linear actuator. Theoretical analysis was given, then experimental tests were carried out to validate the method and the analysis. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 周東, 俊介
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  62  pp.9-15,  1996-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Three dimensional analytical results for the levitation force of a vibrating high-Tc superconducting levitation system were presented. When the levitated superconductor vibrates, the levitation force shows nonlinear relationships with the air gap, amplitude and vibration frequency, so that the convensional models which do not consider dynamic effects cannot be applied. In the model proposed by(Uesaka et al.), dynamic effects are considered, but the critical current is constant. We propose an improved Kim-model which is applicable to vibration problems of conductors. Numerical results for the levitation force were obtained and compared with previously published experimental data. A modeling method for the superconducting levitation system was presented, and the nonlinear spring constants obtained in an analysis which included the effects of air gap, amplitude and frequencies were given. Numerical calculations were carried out for nonlinear vibrations of the system based on the modeling results. 続きを見る


出版情報: 東京 : 養賢堂, 1996.4
シリーズ名: 電磁力応用シリーズ / 日本AEM学会 [編] ; 4
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李, 連進 ; 長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  61  pp.4187-4194,  1995-11-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />We present a system for reducing noise from structures using electromagnetic vibration absorbers. Conventional design techniques for vibration absorbers are not appropriate for noise reduction absorbers, because higher-mode vibrations exert strong effects on noise. Hence, we first derive an analytical expression for noise power including higher modes, then present a method for obtaining optimal parameters for noise reduction absorbers. In this method, noise power is taken as a function of cost, and the parameters are decided by using a neural network procedure. An improved algorithm of the neural network for obtaining the parameters is given, experimental tests are performed and the theoretical values are compared with the experimental data. 続きを見る


李, 連進 ; 長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  61  pp.2259-2266,  1995-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method for optimizing vibration absorbers on a flexible beam by means of a neural network procedure. Analytical results for the response of the beam with multi-absorbers have been obtained using a transfer matrix method. To achieve optimal control, a cost function composed of second-order nonlinear forms in terms of the displacement, strain, and frequencies was used. A method of minimizing the function was presented, in which input values, weights and output function were effectively controlled on the basis of the back-propagation procedure of the neural network method. Numerical calculations were carried out for an example problem. It is ascertained that the present method gives a better result than that obtained by the previously published method. The validity of the method and the analytical results was confirmed by experimental tests. 続きを見る


王, 建春 ; 横田, 正二 ; 長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  61  pp.3827-3833,  1995-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Bending vibrations of a pipe system are trasmitted to an evaporator and generate noise in an air conditioning system. Hence to reduce noise, bending vibrations should be reduced. This paper presents a method for reducing bending vibrations of a pipe system by use of curve tube elements. As a first step, to discuss the validity of the simulation program based on our previous analyses, experimental tests have been performed, and the simulation results are compared with the experimental data for some typical cases. Then, the bending vibrations are calculated for pipe systems with the proposed curved tube elements. It is clarified that the method presented plays an important role in reducing bending vibrations in the pipe system. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  61  pp.1942-1948,  1995-05-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper discusses an actuator consisting of a permanent magnet with an electromagnet and a high Tc superconducting disc. An analytical solution for calculating levitation forces for the system was obtained. The obtained levitation force coincided with the previously published result. The equation of motion of the levitated body subjected to base disturbances under control was presented. Numerical calculations were carried out for some typical cases. Nonlinear vibrations of the system were first discussed, then the method of vibration isolation control using the direct disturbance cancellation combining the velocity feedback control was discussed. It was clarified that the present control method is valid for controlling the nonlinear system like the magnetically levitated superconducting body. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 鄭, 惟
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  61  pp.1343-1350,  1995-04-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper discusses vibration control problems of a cantilever plate with variable width. A moment-type actuator using a moving coil was presented. A mothod for obtaining optimal feedback coefficients was proposed on the basis of neural networks. An analytial solution for the response of the plate under the control using the feedback coefficients was obtained. Numerical calculations were carried out for some typical cases. It is clarified that the present method is valid for controlling vibrations of plates. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 石川, 真史 ; 藤沢, 延行
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  61  pp.1381-1388,  1995-04-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper proposes a drag-force-type magnetic levitation actuator consisting of pairs of permanent magnets and electromagnets. For general magnetic levitation actuators, there is a nonlinear relationship between magnetic force and control current, so that a linear control theory is not applicable. In the actuator proposed, the relationship between the force and the current is linear. This implies that the position and velocity feedback controls can be applied without consideration of interferences. A control method using a combination of techniques of disturbance cancellation and optimal regulation was presented taking into consideration the interference between perpendicular and vertical motions. To verify the applicability of present actuator and control method, experimental tests were carried out. 続きを見る


樫本, 弘 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 白石, 明男
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  61  pp.879-886,  1995-03-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper proposes a method for obtaining stresses in a rod with arbitrary cross section. The rod consists of two infinite straight portions and one two-dimensional curved portion in which the cross section varies. A twisting wave propagates from one of the two infinite straight portions to the other via the curved portion. In this analysis, fundamental equations were extended in order to apply them to the non-circular cross section by using the Fourier expansion collocation procedure, and the transfer matrix was derived. At connecting sections, solutions of curved portion and those of straight portions have been connected. Then it is possible to obtain the principal stress and the principal shearing stress at any location. 続きを見る


鄭, 惟 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 岡, 三津夫
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  60  pp.153-161,  1994-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents an electromagnetic actuator consisting of rectangular permanent magnetic chips and a cylindrical coil, which is applicable to bending moment control of plates. The analytical expression for obtaining the control force against the control current is obtained based on the electromagnetic theory. A control method is presented for producing the required deflection of the plate by means of the bending-type electromagnetic actuator. Numerical calculations are carried out for some typical problems which will be of practical importance. It is clarified that the actuator and the method of control presented are valid for controlling plate shapes. 続きを見る


龍宇, 光 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 丹羽, 一
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  59  pp.3658-3667,  1993-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />A very long elastic beam, which is a general model of a long optical fiber, inserted into a long spatially curved tube by means of vibration is investigated. Analytical models and equations are established for the forced transversal movement, the axial movement and the flying motion of the continuous wave beam. A kind of recurrence strategy is successfully developed for the forced transversal vibration problem of a very long beam floating on a vibrating surface. The detailed motion behavior of the whole response, called the "subperiodic motion", and the phenomena of changing tension force and different wavelengths are revealed through numerical solutions. Fundamental effects of some basic parameters on the motions of the system are discussed. Appropriate ranges for both the frequency and the amplitude of vibration are discovered to be very narrow. The reasons for the troublesome "stopping-up" phenomenon are clarified. Experimental studies confirmed the theoretical analyses presented. 続きを見る


藤沢, 延行 ; 田口, 祥和 ; 佐藤, 毅 ; 植村, 知正 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 井開, 重男
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. B編.  59  pp.3519-3523,  1993-11-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Conditional sampling and the point-averaging technique have been introduced to particle-tracking velocimetry using a binary cross-correlation algorithm. This system is applied to the measurement of unsteady flow inside a rotating Savonius rotor, and the quantitative nature of the power mechanisms of the rotor at various rotor angles and tip-speed ratios are newly discussed and the usefulness of this techique is demonstrated. It is found that all velocity fields in and around the rotor vary markedly with the tip-speed ratio, and that the separation of Coanda-like flow on the convex side of the advancing blade is delayed by the velocity fields induced by the rotor rotation and also by the production of vortices downstream of the advancing blade. 続きを見る


王, 建春 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 横田, 正二
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  59  pp.2621-2628,  1993-09-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method for obtaining vibration response of a viscoelastic spiral rod having straight portions on viscoelastic supports. The expressions for calculating frequency response are obtained by means of the transfer matrix method, in which the exact solution of the differential equations with twelve state variables for the static deflection is applied. Inertia forces and rotatory inertia are included by making use of the point transfer matrix, and the bent portions are also considered by including the transfer matrix of coordinates. Numerical calculations were carried out for the rod with both an elastic portion and a viscoelastic portion carrying a mass at the end. In this problem, the rotary vibration is of importance because it generates noise, hence the location of the viscoelastic support which induces the rotary vibration of the mass minimum is discussed in detail. The fuzzy algorithm by which the optimal location of the supports is obtained is also presented. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 横田, 勇
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  59  pp.746-753,  1993-03-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />In the preceding related paper, the authors discussed a plate-type magnetic damper with alternative magnetic poles. The paper presented the analytical expressions of eddy currents in the conductor and the damping coefficients for the single row of alternative poles. The damping effects of the damper having alternative poles of a number of rows and columns are different from those of the previous model. The present article discusses the damping increasing mechanisms for the plate-type damper with alternative magnetic poles of a number of rows and columns. The analytical expression for finding the eddy current patterns and the damping coefficient are obtained. Numerical calculations are carried out for some important examples. Since the present article gives the analytical expression and the numerical data of dimensionless damping coefficients, the results may be used directly in the practical design of such devices as vibration absorbers. 続きを見る


樫本, 弘 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 白石, 明男
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  59  pp.782-790,  1993-03-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />An analysis is presented for the dynamic stress concentration problem of an infinite inhomogeneous rod having a discontinuity of the curved portion in which the radius of cross sections varies continuously. The rod treated in this study consists of two infinitely straight portions and one finite curved portion of arbitrary curvature. The curved portion lies between the two straight portions. The twisting wave propagates from one of the infinite straight portions to the other, passing through the curved portion. The exact solution for the equilibrium equations for a curved rod has been obtained. The transfer matrix has been derived based on the exact solution and upon considering the internal forces and moments. At discontinuous sections, solutions of curved and straight rods have been connected by adjusting the boundary conditions. As examples, stress concentration factors in circular, elliptical and parabolic arc rods have been obtained. 続きを見る


龍, 宇光 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 丹羽, 一
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  59  pp.338-346,  1993-02-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />The problem of a block repeatedly sliding, jumping and being conveyed inside a vibrating spatial tube is studied. Analytical models and equations are established in considering three kinds of motion states : relative sliding motion, flying motion and the bumping process. Precise investigations are carried out for the inclined frictions with component velocities and for oblique impact, which are seldom discussed thoroughly and are easily misinterpreted. The detailed motion of the entire response, called the ""subperiodic motion"", is revealed through numerical solutions. Fundamental effects of some basic parameters on the motion of the system are discussed. Appropriate ranges for both the frequency and the amplitudes of vibration are discovered to be very narrow. Experimental studies confirmed the theoretical analyses presented. 続きを見る


遠藤, 正規 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 渥美, 全弘
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  58  pp.1827-1832,  1992-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper proposes a method for controlling vibrations of a magnetic levitation table. The system considered in this paper is composed of permanent magnet and a permanent magnet with an electromagnet. The vibration is controlled by changing magnetic flux density of the permanent magnet by controlling electrical current in a coil of the electromagnet. Two kinds of control techniques are combined. One is the disturbance cancellation control in which the variation of the levitation force is controlled, which corresponds to the external force due to disturbances, and the other is the state feedback control. Experimental tests have been carried out to discuss the validity of this technique. The experimental results show that the technique proposed in this paper is applicable to isolate vibrations, and the transmissibility can be controlled to be nearly zero. 続きを見る


田, 宏奇 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 井開, 重男
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  58  pp.3614-3620,  1992-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />A new magnetic gear transmitting system with an actuator made of an electromagnet is proposed in this paper. The vibration due to the system parameter variations or external disturbance is absorbed by means of changing magnetic fluxes of the electromagnet and the controller is designed by variable structure system (VSS) theory. The theoretical expressions of the transmitting torque, magnetic spring constant and control force versus electric current in the electromagnet were derived. Both the simulations and experiments of this magnetic gear system were carried out by means of the sliding mode regulator and were compared with the PID linear control method. The experimental results confirmed the theoretical analyses. 続きを見る


樫本, 弘 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 白石, 明男
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  58  pp.724-730,  1992-03-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method for solving the dynamic stress concentration of inhomogeneous rods having two-dimensional arbitrary curvature, variable cross section and infinite length subjected to in-plane bending wave excitation. In this analysis, the exact solution of the equilibrium equations for curved rods has been obtained, and the transfer matrix, based on the exact solutions with consideration of the inertial forces has been derived. At discontinuous sections, solutions of curved and straight rods have been connected by adjusting the boundary conditions. As examples, stress concentration factors in circular, elliptical and parabolic rods with variable cross sections have been calculated. 続きを見る


王, 建春 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 横田, 正二
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  58  pp.9-16,  1992-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper discusses free vibrations of a spiral rod with straight portions on a number of supports. Since the spiral portion is a three-dimensional structure, three-dimensional motions are coupled. Hence, this paper first presents the transfer matrix for a three-dimensional curved rod with supports, then the transfer matrix of a straight rod with supports is joined to that of the spiral rod. The frequency equations for the rod with consideration of three-dimensional motions are obtained. Numerical calculations are carried out for some typical problems. 続きを見る


出版情報: 東京 : コロナ社, 1992.4
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長屋, 幸助 ; 杉浦, 光則
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  57  pp.3794-3799,  1991-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Since electromagnetic force is a function of the gap between two magnets, the spring constant has large nonlinearities with respect to the displacement. Hence, the spring constant varies significantly with the initial load. This implies that the linear control theory is not applicable in the range of large displacement. To treat a system with variable initial load and large displacement, the present article presents a procedure for obtaining a linear spring by means of a repulsive-type actuator using permanent magnets and an electromagnet. The analytical expression for the linear spring is presented. Experimental tests were carried out, and the theoretical values are compared with the experimental results. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 関口, 肇
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  57  pp.3800-3805,  1991-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />A magnetic damper in which opposite poles are arranged by turns has great deal of damping effects as compared with a normal magnetic damper. However the reason of it has not been clarified, and the analysis has not been reported. To clarify the mechanisms of increasing dampings for the damper, this paper presents an analytical results for the eddy current, and the damping coefficient. Numerical calculations are carried out for some important examples, and the results are compared with those of the normal magnetic damper. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 王, 建春 ; 井開, 重男 ; 藤生, 正樹 ; 上野, 秀洋
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  57  pp.3547-3550,  1991-11-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper proposes an actuator consisting of a piezoelectric element, two electromagnets and a spring for controlling displacement of flexible beam with large deflections. The voltage pattern for the piezoelectric element and the electric current patterns for the magnets and the relationship between the actuator displacement and the deflection of a beam are presented. The experimental tests are also caried out. It is ascertained that the proposed actuator has some advantages as compared with the general deflection control apparatus using a motor. 続きを見る


樫本, 弘 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 白石, 明男
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  57  pp.2566-2572,  1991-08-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method for solving the dynamic stress concentration of two-dimensional curved rods with circular cross section and infinite length subjected to in-plane bending wave excitation. In this analysis, the exact solution of the equilibrium equations for curved rods has been obtained, and the transfer matrix, based on the exact solutions with consideration of the inertia forces has been derived. At discontinuous sections, solutions of curved and straight rods have been connected by adjusting the boundary conditions. As examples, stress concentration factors in circular, elliptical and parabolic rods with circular cross sections have been calculated. 続きを見る


永井, 健一 ; 大佐々, 吉宏 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 谷藤, 克也
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  57  pp.1440-1445,  1991-05-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />An analytical method is presented for the bending vibration of a circular dise carrying concentrated masses, introducing a new mode of shape function to the Galerkin method. Deflection of the plate is expressed by a product of the mode shape function along radial direction and the circumferential periodic function. The mode shape function is assumed to be the sum of the product of the trigonometrical function and the finite power series. The coefficients of the power series are found to be satisfied by the boundary condition of the plate. Applying the Galerkin method, the number of sets of differential equation with second-order time functions are reduced. It is found that this method gives good accuracy to the natural frequencies within the small number of terms for unknown time functions 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 山口, 俊澄
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  57  pp.135-142,  1991-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method for solving eigenvalue problems of various phenomena which are governed by the Helmholtz equation with an arbitrarily shaped outer boundary and a number of eccentric boundaries of arbitrary shape. In the analysis, the outer boundary condition is satisfied by means of the Fourier expansion collocation methed using the exact solution of the equation of motion. To satisfy the inner boundary conditions, the point restraints are added to the equation of motion, and the inner boundary conditions are satisfied by making use of a point-matching procedure. The equations for finding the eigenvalues are derived, and numerical calculations are carried out for cases of elliptical outer and a number of elliptical inner boundaries, and polygonal outer and a number of elliptical inner boundaries. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 平田, 康夫 ; 鶴見, 豊明 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 永井, 健一 ; 谷藤, 克也
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  57  pp.283-287,  1991-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Stresses in elliptical-cross-section coil springs become small as compared to other springs used in practical machines at a certain aspect ratio. This article presents a simplified stress expression for designing the elliptical-cross section coil springs. The stresses obtained by the present design formula are compared with those obtained by numerical methods. It is ascertained that the present formula is applicable to design the elliptical-cross section-coil springs. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 平田, 康夫
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  57  pp.288-295,  1991-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method for designing a shape-memory alloy coupling between rods subjected to axial or torsional forces. The design formula is obtained by using the stress-strain relation. Since the coupling work is simple, the coupling has advantages for building members in dangerous zones. However, since the coupling force is not sufficient, it is disadvantageous for impact loads. To design coupling under consideration of impacts, this paper also discusses the transient response of the coupling due to various impact loads. Numerical calculations were carried out for some sample problems. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 山本, 哲也
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  56  pp.3267-3273,  1990-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper discusses a method for the optimal active vibration control of a plate using piezoelectric actuators. The analytical results under the optimal control were obtained by combining the eigenfunction procedure and the optimal active control theory. Numerical calculations were carried out for a clamped circular plate with concentrated masses which was controlled by bending moments generated by the piezoelectric actuators. It is confirmed that there is an optimal location for the actuator in each mode. 続きを見る


谷藤, 克也 ; 永井, 健一 ; 長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  56  pp.2327-2334,  1990-09-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />The running vibration of a bogie car is considerably affected by its operation speed. This paper describes the results of a calculation analysis on the vertical vibration of a Shinkansen electric car at the speed range up to 510 km/h, assuming a drastic speed-up of the Shinkansen. The vibration of each natural modes, except the body-bending mode, tends to increase uniformly with the operation speed. The vibration of the first body-bending mode varies greatly due to the averaging effects of the track roughness through the length between truck centers in the car, and it deteriorates the riding comfort further in the speed ranges near 270 km/h and higher than 450 km/h. As an example, the flexural rigidity of the car body is examined to determine countermeasures suitable for 270 km/h operation. 続きを見る


永井, 健一 ; 渥美, 全弘 ; 杉山, 晋一 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 谷藤, 克也 ; 武田, 定彦
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  56  pp.1394-1399,  1990-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents analytical results of non-linear vibrations of a traveling beam levitated by magnetic forces. The problem is modeled as the Euler-Bernoulli beam with a variable cross section supported by non-linear springs. The beam and the springs move on an undulated line. Introducing a new mode shape function which is expressed as the product of the trigonometric function and the power series truncated to the fourth order and utilizing the galerkin procedure, basic equations are reduced to the coupled non-linear equations. The steady state solutions of the beam was obtained using the harmonic balance method. It is found that the non-linear responses show the type of soft-spring, the unsymmetric support of the spring or the unsymetric cross section to the mid-point of the beam show large amplitude vibrations of a rotating motion and that of a translating motion in relatively large frequency range. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 佐藤, 淳 ; 井開, 重男 ; 関口, 肇 ; 斉藤, 登
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  56  pp.1530-1534,  1990-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper proposes a thrust bearing lubricated by a magnetic fluid under a magnetic field. The critical pressures of the bearing versus the magnitude of the magnetic flux densities have been investigated experimentally. It is clarified that the critical pressures of the proposed bearing are larger than those of the normal lubricant bearing under high speeds. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 永井, 健一 ; 佐藤, 淳 ; 杉浦, 光則 ; 佐川, 竜一郎
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  56  pp.1588-1591,  1990-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper proposes a two-dimensional displacement sensor which is available to detect high speed phenomena such as high frequency vibrations. The sensor consists of a laser, polarisers, a beam splitter, solar cells and clean plates in which an index of double refraction varies in one direction. Since the clean plate as just mentioned has not been produced, this paper applies thin films sandwiched with a magnetic fluid, and the double refraction is generated by using permanent magnet. In this system, the laser beam propagating from the moving body is divided into two beams by a beam splitter, and the divided beams pass through the two clean plates whose refraction axes are in right angles with each other. An intensity of the laser beam after passing through the clean plate is detected by a solar cell. Then the position of each beam is decided by the intensity of the laser beam. Experimental tests have been performed to verify the principle as just mentioned. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 荒井, 徳幸
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  56  pp.1230-1237,  1990-05-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper proposes an actuator in the magnetic levitation system using a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. In this system, the gravity force of the masses is supported by a strong permanent magnet in which two identical poles face each other. The vibration due to external disturbances is controled by use of the electromagnet by changing magnetic fluxes of one of the permanent magnets. The analytical expressions for obtaining the levitation force, spring constant and the control force versus the electric current in the electromagnet were derived using the equation of the electromagnetic theory. Numerical simulations under the control using the optimal regulator for the magnetically levitated boby were carried out. To verify the present theoretical results, experimantal results were also obtained. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 大沼, 浩身 ; 佐藤, 淳
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  56  pp.963-970,  1990-04-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper discusses effects of viscous pumping in a magnetic fluid seal under a rotating load. The Reynolds equation was presented for the seal based on magnetic fluid mechanics, and the expressions for obtaining pressures in the seal, eccentricities of the rotating shaft due to the viscous pumping and seal pressures were given. Numerical Calculations were carried out for some sample problems, and the effect of magnetic flux densities on the pressure in the seal and the seal pressures were clarified. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 桜井, 高志
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  56  pp.262-268,  1990-02-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method for obtaining the frequency equation for a circular plate with a number of eccentric circular inner boundaries. In the analysis, the exact solution which satisfies the outer boundary conditions was applied, and the inner boundary conditions were satisfied by means of the point matching-method under consideration of the symmetry of the vibration modes. Numerical calculations were carried out for a clamped circular plate with two or four eccentric circular clamped edges and for the plate with two eccentric annular supports. 続きを見る


出版情報: 東京 : アイピーシー, 1990.10
所蔵情報: loading…


永井, 健一 ; 荒井, 徳幸 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 武田, 定彦
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  55  pp.1941-1947,  1989-08-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />An analytical method is presented for free flexural vibrations of a cantilevered beam with a concentrated mass, introducing the new mode shape function to the Galerkin procedure. The mode shape function is expressed with the sum of the product of the trigonometrical function and the finite power series truncated with the fourth order. The trigonometrical function expresses the form of the higher mode of vibration. The coefficients of the power series are determined by solving the homogeneous equations for the boundary conditions of the beam. Applying the Galerkin method, the sets of differential equation in a time function are reduced. It is found that this method gives good accuracy to the natural frequencies and the natural modes of vibration within the limited number of terms for unknown time functions. 続きを見る


武田, 定彦 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 永井, 健一 ; 井開, 重男
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  55  pp.1616-1621,  1989-07-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents theoretical and experimental results for the steady state response of a relaxation-suspension system considering the unsymmetrical damping force under periodic excitation. the unsymmetrical damping force has two different values in period of the stroke velocity. In the analysis, exact solutions are obtained by considering the continuity of the response at the boundary in which the damping force varies. Numerical calculations are carried out for various values of the ratio of the damping coefficient. It is found that the reference line of the vibration in the relaxation-suspension system maintains a constant value within the range of the high frequency ratio, while the reference line in the direct-suspension system varies proportionally to the change of frequency ratio. The experimental values agreed fairly well with the theoretical results. 続きを見る


永井, 健一 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 中村, 欣明
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  55  pp.1301-1306,  1989-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Analytical results are presented for nonlinear vibrations of a stretched string connected with a laterally movable end mass at one end. Applying the modified Galerkin method to the basic equations, a set of ordinary differential equations with cubic nonlinearity is obtained. The steady-state response is determined by the harmonic balance method. Numerical calculations are carried out for the various values for the end mass to the string and the geometry of the string. It is found that if the mass of the end mass increases to greater than that of the string, the resonant response in the first mode of vibration can be treated as a linear vibration up to a sufficiently large amplitude. However, the resonant curves in the higher mode of vibration show responses with a strong nonlinearity within a small amplitude. The increment of the cross section area of the string also gives a strong nonlinearity to the response in every mode of vibration. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 井開, 重男 ; 永井, 健一 ; 松本, 康臣 ; 塩野, 二朗
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  55  pp.1353-1356,  1989-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper proposes an active control damper using an electromagnetic fluid, and presents an expression for obtaining the damping coefficient of the damper. The damping coefficient has been obtained by using the solution of the equation for the electromagnetic fluid which includes both Navier-Stokes' equation and Maxwell's equation. Numerical calculations have been carried out for some sample problems, and the effects of sizes of the damper and the magnetic flux density on the damping coefficients have been clarified. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 吉田, 彬 ; 井開, 重男 ; 山本, 哲也 ; 横山, 信行 ; 永井, 健一
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  55  pp.1385-1390,  1989-06-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper is concerned with a method for measuring masses of the magnetic particles in a fluid such as a magnetic fluid. Two methods are proposed, one of which is the phase difference procedure by use of a laser, and the other is the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) procedure. Experimental tests have been carried out to find masses of the magnetic particles in the magnetic fluid with various densities by using the methods mentioned above. It is clarified that the present methods are applicable to measure the masses in a fluid, including a few particles. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 渡辺, 和秀 ; 塚原, 裕
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  55  pp.678-686,  1989-03-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Much resarch on the dynamic response of driven valve systems of internal combustion engines has been reported. However, the analytical model proposed in the previous reports constructed under the assumption that the valve did not separate from the rocker arm during the cam rotation. This model is applicable to the system with small rigidities. Recently, to have stable motion in high speed engines, the rigidity of the valve system increases, so that the previous model cannot be applied to the engines. This paper proposes a method for obtaining the jump and bounce phenomena of the valve system with large rigidities by considering the set force of the valve spring which gives large effects on the valve response. Numerical calculations have been carried out for one of the recest engines, and the experimental tests also have been performed to verify the present analysis. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 加藤, 宗一
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  55  pp.25-3,  1989-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper is concerned with a method for analyzing the dynamic response of a multispan beam on magnetic supports to an unsteady load decaying exponentially with time. The analysis assumes the nonlinear spring system as a group of segments of linear springs, and derives the expression for the nonlinear transient response by use of a method combining the Laplace transformation, Fourier series expansion and residue theorem. Numerical calculations have been carried out for some sample problems, and the effects of nonlinearity due to the magnetic supports have been clarified. 続きを見る


永井, 健一 ; 笹井, 重俊 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 内山, 茂
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  55  pp.79-83,  1989-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method for the error compensation of measuring data in a two-dimensional length measuring device from lack of sufficient stiffness. Introducing the mode shape function which is expressed with the product of the finite power series truncated with fourth order and the trigonometric function to the least square approximation. Applying the method to the test device, the effects of compensation are clarified. It is found that this method gives good results to improve the measuring accuracy with the limited number of terms for unknown coefficients, compared with the approach of the Fourier series. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 中田, 雅之
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  54  pp.2866-2874,  1988-12-20.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper is concerned with a method for solving forced vibration problems of an arbitrarily shaped plate excited by a number of eccentric circular sinusoidal forces. The analytical solution for finding the displacements in the plate has been presented by use of the Fourier expansion collocation procedure. Numerical calculations have been carried out for four cases of circular, elliptical, square, and rectangular plates which are excited by one through four vibration forces. The effects of eccentricity and the size of circular forces on the vibration response have been clarified. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; Poltorak, Krzysztof
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  54  pp.2815-2821,  1988-12-20.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />The eigenvalue problem of Helmholtz's equation is of importance because various physical phenomena are governed by this equation. This paper presents a method for solving the boundary value problem governed by Helmholtz's equation haying a circular outer boundary and a number of eccentric circular inner boundaries. In this problem, it is difficult to satisfy the multiple connected boundary conditions. The present anlysis uses the point-matching approach for treating the inner boundary conditions, and presents the expression for finding the eigenvalues. Numerical calculations have been carried out for the system having one, two or four eccentrdc circular inner boundaries. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  54  pp.1393-1400,  1988-07-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper discusses transient stresses in a general shaped three dimensional curved rod with an arbitrary cross section subjected to general transient excitation. The paper gives and analytical method for finding normal and shear stresses in the rod by use of the transfer matrix, the Laplace transform, the Fourier expansion and the Fourier expansion collocation methods based on the there dimensional curved beam theory. As an application, this paper treats the coil spring of an arbitrary cross section, and proposes a rational coil spring having an oval cross section. It is clarified that the oval cross section coil with an appropriate aspect ration has various advantages as compared with the circular cross section spring. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 佐藤, 浩 ; 中村, 信章 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 永井, 健一 ; 井開, 重男 ; 孫, 健利
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  54  pp.605-609,  1988-03-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />Thi paper describes a method of active vibration control for passing through critical speeds of a rotating shaft using electro-magnetic clutches. In this method the vibration of the shaft due to whirling is controlled by means of on and off electric current controls of the electro-magnetic clutches which support the shaft under the on control, The principle of this method is to change the eigen-frequencies of the shaft by adding or losing the supports during shaft rotation. To verify the present method, this paper provides a model of a rotating shaft system with an electro-magnetic clutch, and examines the results analytically and experimentally. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 後藤, 徹朗
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  54  pp.329-337,  1988-02-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method for analyzing three-dimensional curved rods of general shape without symmetric axes. In the analysis, the exact solutions of the equlibrium equations for three dimensional curved rods have been obtained first, then the transfer matrix has been derived based on the exact solution with consideration of inertia forces. The analytical equations for finding the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes have been given. Numerical calculations have been carried out for three dimensional circular, elliptical, and parabolic spiral rods of circular and square cross sections without symmetric axes. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 中田, 雅之 ; 増尾, 芳幸 ; 井開, 重男
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  54  pp.247-253,  1988-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This study proposes a new type of electromagnetic multiple disk brake for controlling the friction torque of the brake by using a rare earth magnet which generates very strong magnetic fields. This brake consists of a rare earth permanent magnet, an electric magnet and multiple friction disks. In this system, a control device such as a microcomputer generates an electric current in a coil of the electric magnet, and controls the friction torque of the brake. In the analysis the design formulae for the brake is first derived, based on the theory of electro-magnetic fields and the theory of tribology, then the transient friction torque is derived using the theories of Dynamics of Machinery and Automatic Control. To verify the present system and the analytical method, experimental tests have been performed for a model of the above-mentioned brake. 続きを見る


永井, 健一 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 荒井, 徳幸
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  54  pp.39-46,  1988-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />The free bending vibrations of beams with a concentrated mass subjected to axial forces caused by axial acceleration are analyzed by the Galerkin method, introducing the mode shape functions which are the sum of the products of the finite power series and the trigonometrical function. This analytical method makes it easy to construct the equations of motion in each boundary condition only by exchanging the coefficients of the finite power series. Numerical calculations are carried out under four sets of boundary conditions combined with simply supported and clamped edges. The natural frequencies and the corresponding modes of vibration are determined under both various locations of the concentrated mass and axial forces. it is found that the transverse inertia force and the axial force, due to the concentrated mass, have significant effects on the change of the natural frequencies for beams. Furthermore the distinction of boundary conditions gives predominant influence to the variation of natural frequencies. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  54  pp.67-72,  1988-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />An analytical method and a result for obtaining dynamic stresses in the valve-spring of a driven valve system of internal combustion engines are presented with a consideration of the end effects. To treat the complex dynamic behavior due to cam rotation with complex profile, this paper applies a combination method of the transfer matrix, the Laplace transform and the Fourier series expansion procedures. Numerical calculations have been carried out for a sample case of general valve-springs, and the numerical results for the dynamic stresses have been obtained in the case of a spring excited by the driven valve system. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  53  pp.2283-2288,  1987-11-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method for solving the dynamic response problems of a driven valve system of internal combustion engines. In this system there is a hysteresis behavior between the restoring force and the deflection for the locker arm. To treat this nonlinearity, the rigidity of each section is assumed to be the one of a partly linear spring. For the valve trains, the cam profile is complex in general. For treating a general cam profile, this paper applies a combination method of the Fourier expansion and the Laplace transform methods given by the author. Numerical calculations have been carried out for a sample problem of high speed driven valve trains, and the jump and the bounce phenomena are discussed in detail. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 大月, 和也
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  53  pp.1720-1727,  1987-08-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper discusses a nonlinear transient response of a floating body supported by a magnetic force which is generated between two magnets of the same poles. In this system there are two kinds of nonlinearity, one of which is due to the restoring force between maguets and the other is due to the load which is a function of the displacement of the body. To treat these nonlinearities the restoring force is assumed to be a partly linear spring and the load is treated by the successive iteration method. This paper also considers the general transient load, and applies a combination method of the Fourier expansion and the Laplace transform method given by Nagaya. Numerical calculations have been carried out for one of the models. To verify the present analysis, experimental tests have also been performed for the same model treated in the numerical calculation. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 新山, 文彦
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  52  pp.3001-3009,  1986-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper is concerned with a method for solving the stress problems of a viscoelastic solid of arbitrary shape with a circular cavity subjected to a vibration pressure along the cavity. In the analysis the exact solutions which satisfy the boundary conditions along the cavity have been derived from the equations of motion of elastic solids based on the two dimensional theory of elasticity. The boundary conditions along the outer surface of arbitrary shape have been satisfied by means of the Fourier expansion collocation method. The analysis considers the viscoelasticity and uses the structural damping theory. As examples, stresses in the solids of circular, hexagonal, square, elliptical and truncated elliptical shapes have been calculated. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 中田, 貴隆 ; 武田, 定彦
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  52  pp.2940-2945,  1986-11-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper deals with a method for solving dynamic stress problems of a non-cylindrical viscoelastic coil spring subjected to base excitations. The analysis considers the effects of ends of the coil, and applies the three dimensional curved beam theory for obtaining the exact solution of the element of the coil. The resultant forces and the resultant moments in the vibrant coil are decided by means of the transfer matrix method for an arbitrary shape. Both the shear and the normal stresses are obtained by use of the curved beam theory as just mentioned. Numerical calculations have been carried out for two cases of a barrel spring and a hyperboloidal spring. 続きを見る


小島, 宏行 ; 白石, 秀雄 ; 長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  52  pp.1198-1202,  1986-04-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />In this report, the transient vibrations of a beam mass system subjected to nonlinear electromagnetic force are investigated theoretically and experimentally in consideration of both the nonlinearity of the electromagnetic force and the inductance of a electromagnet. The beam is fixed at one end, and the mass is attached to another end. The electromagnetic force produced by the elctromagnet acts on the mass. The electromagnet is excited by sinusoidal waves, rectangular waves and rectangular pulse voltages by using a micro computer. In the analysis, the electromagnetic force is approximated by using a series of rectangular pulses, and the lateral vibrations of the beam are obtained by adding the individual responses due to each rectangular pulse. The response solution of the governing partial equation of the beam mass system is derived by the Laplace transformation method. The numerical results agree well with the experimenatal ones. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 津久井, 洋一 ; 熊井戸, 孝勇
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  52  pp.997-1002,  1986-03-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents a method for passing critical speeds of a rotating shaft by use of support springs made of memory metals. In this method the vibrations of the shaft due to whirlings are controlled by use of the on (heating) and off (cooling) heat control of the memory metals which support the bearings. In the analysis, the exact solution is obtained on the problem of a multi-span shaft carrying a disc. Numerical calculations have been carried out for some important problems and experimental tests have also been carried out to verify the present control method and the theoretical results. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 小島, 宏行 ; 岩田, 浩明 ; 伊藤, 美津夫 ; 太田, 幸一
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  52  pp.498-506,  1986-02-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />磁気ダンパとサーボモータを用いた,コンピュータによるパルス信号制御の開ループ位置決め系を提示し,この系の妥当性を検討した.解析では軸振動の影響を考慮し,ばね と連続体についての両結果を誘導して両者の比較検討を行い,通常の制御速度でのばね系による解析の妥当性を明らかにした.また軸を剛体とした場合の結果を示して軸振動の影響を検討した.さらに軸の強度設計の観点から,軸のねじりモーメントを与える式をも示した. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. A編.  52  pp.240-248,  1986-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper presents the theoretical results of the stresses in a coil spring of arbitrary cross section. The analysis consists of two parts one of which is concerned with the displacements, the angles of rotation, the resultant forces and the resultant moments which occur in a helical spring during the loading. The results in this problem are derived by application of the curved beam theory in which all displacements and all forces in three orthogonal directions of the coil spring are included with consideration of constraints of the edges of the spring. At the second step, the paper presents the expressions for stresses in the spring due to the compression in the direction of the axis of the cylindrical spring when both edges are kept to be parallel during the deformation by use of the author's results given in the preceding paper (1st report). Numerical calculations have been carried out for four cases of a circular cross-section spring, an elliptical cross section spring, a rectangular cross section spring and an oval section spring. 続きを見る


小島, 宏行 ; 新山, 文彦 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 永井, 克巳
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  51  pp.3235-3241,  1985-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />本報は, 希土類磁石を用いた電動リニアアクチュエータと速度センサに制御回路を付与して構成した速度フィードバック形電磁ダンパを試作し, これを調和加振力が作用 しているはり状構造物に取付けて振動制御の実験を行うとともに, はり状構造物と制御系との両方を考慮し, ベルヌーイ・オイラーのはり理論を用いて系の応答を厳密に解析したものである. また制御系のゲインなどの因子が制御効果や系の応答に及ぼす影響を解明した. 続きを見る


小島, 宏行 ; 新山, 文彦 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 永井, 克巳
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  51  pp.3242-3249,  1985-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />本報は, 衝撃力が作用するはり状構造物の振動制御の実験を, 前報で試作した速度フィードバック形電磁ダンパを用いて行うとともに, はり形の振動変位ならびに制御 系の電流の衝撃応答解を, ラプラス変換法およびベルヌーイ・オイラーのはり理論を用いて厳密に導いたものである. なお衝撃力として, マイクロコンピュータと電動リニアアクチュエータによる電磁力を用いた. さらに振動制御の効果や安定性などについて詳細に調べた. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 池田, 真治
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  51  pp.3354-3362,  1985-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper discusses the bending vibration characteristics of a rotating shaft of a motor, with consideration of the electromagnetic sucking force which acts on a rotor, caused by the narrow electromagnetic field between a stator and the rotor. The dynamic response of the motor under the action of the whirling load of the shaft has been analyzed systematically by considering both the translational and rotary motions of the motor. In the analysis, the transfer matrix method is utilized to obtain the response of the shaft. The equation of longitudinal vibrations of a viscoelastic body is applied to the analysis of the viscoelastic foundation under the assumption of the structural damping. Numerical calculations have been carried out for the critical speeds and the response of both the shafts and the motor. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 軽部, 裕夫
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  51  pp.3419-3425,  1985-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper is concerned with a method for analyzing a rotary magnetic damper (eddy current brake) consisting of a sector magnet (sector magnetic flux) and a circular conductor. Since the magnetic flux density is a function of the position in the radial direction, the analytical solution for obtaining the eddy current, braking force and damping coefficient is arrived at by dividing the magnetic flux into the narrow sector bonds, and applying the unit step function to solve the differential equation of the electromagnetic fields. Numerical calculations have been carried out for the dimensionless damping coefficients versus the flux range, the position and the distribution of the magnetic flux in the radial direction. Experimental tests are also carried out to verify the present theoretical results. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental ones, and the characteristics of the rotary magnetic damper have been investigated in detail, with the optimal values of the damping coefficient having been clarified. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 軽部, 裕夫
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  51  pp.3426-3431,  1985-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />In the preceding related paper (Part 1), the authors presented expressions for finding the eddy current, braking force and damping coefficient on the rotary magnetic damper, consisting of one sector magnet and a circular conductor, and investigated the validity of the constant flux assumption for the magnet. This paper extends the analysis of the authors' previous report to the problem of the rotary magnetic damper, consisting of several sector magnets and a circular conductor with a circular cavity. Numerical calculations have been carried out for the dimensionless damping coefficients with variations of factors, such as the flux range, the radius of the circular cavity of a circular conductor, the position and the number of the magnets. The characteristics of the rotary magnetic damper have been investigated in detail ; especially the optimal values of the damping coefficient have been clarified. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 中田, 貴隆
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. C編.  51  pp.3014-3021,  1985-11-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />This paper is concerned with the method for analyzing the vibration of coil springs with arbitrary shape. In the analysis, the field transfer matrix is derived from the solution of the foundamental equation of the curved beam theory. The transfer matrix is given by combining this field transfer matrix and the point transfer matrix. The analysis derives the frequency equation which is applicable to the coil spring of general shape. Numerical calculations have been carried out for HYPERBOLOIDAL springs and barrel springs. Experimental tests are also carried out to verify the present theoretical results. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. A編.  51  pp.2293-2302,  1985-10-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />円筒コイルばねの素線が任意形状断面を有する場合の素線内応力を求める解析解を誘導した.解析では中心圧縮ばねを考え, まず真直棒のねじり, せん断, 曲げによる 応力をフーリエ展開境界値平均法により求め, ついで曲がり帽の理論を適用して素線の曲がりの影響を導入した. 本結果はばね素線断面境界の座標値のみを数値計算の過程でデータとして導入するだけで, あらゆる断面形状のばね素線内の応力を求める一般式である. 続きを見る


佐藤, 雅志 ; 長屋, 幸助 ; 武田, 定彦 ; 松本, 幸夫 ; 斎藤, 純幸 ; 森田, 国樹
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. A編.  51  pp.2303-2308,  1985-10-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />第一報で与えた理論結果を用いて異形断面ばねの数値計算を行い, また実験をも行い,第1報の結果が実用上十分な精度を有することを確認した. 次に卵形断面ばねを新 たに開発し, 理論値と実験値との比較検討を行うとともに, 従来の円形断面ばねとの比較も行い, 卵形ばねがより優れた機能部品となることを明らかにした. さらにだ円形断面ばねならびに丸コバ断面ばねの開発をも行い, 異形断面ばねの系統的設計法を確立した. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 福島, 達夫 ; 丸岡, 左斗志
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. A編.  50  pp.103-109,  1984-01-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />本報では平板の強度設計の観点からフーリエ展開境界値平均法の導入により, 小形の計算機を用いて任意形状板のたわみや曲げモーメントを簡単に計算する方法を示した. 具体例として, 等分布荷重の作用する単純支持および周辺固定された一般形状板についての計算式を求め, いくつかの形状について板のたわみおよび曲げモーメントの数値計算を行い, 厳密解および実験値との比較検討を行った. 続きを見る


長屋, 幸助 ; 平野, 克己 ; 下田, 勝二 ; 近藤, 義臣 ; 渡辺, 達哉 ; 竹内, 潤
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集. A編.  49  pp.1598-1602,  1983-12-25.  日本機械学会
概要: application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />光弾性実験において等色線測定により簡単に主応力差を求めることができるが,主応力を分離する図式積分法は煩雑で熟練を要する.本報では,ラプラスの方程式の境界処理 にフーリエ展開境界値平均法を導入し,より簡単に2主応力を分離する方法を提案した.具体例として,円板ならびに正方形板について実験を行い,本方法を適用し,その妥当性ならびに精度を検証し,本方法が簡単でかつ比較的精度の良い結果を与えることを示した. 続きを見る