交番電磁力が作用する弾性体の非線形強制振動の有限要素解析 : 第1報, 有限要素法と調和バランス法を用いた解析法とはりへの応用
- フォーマット:
- 論文
- 責任表示:
- 小島, 宏行
- 言語:
- 日本語
- 出版情報:
- 日本機械学会, 1988-06-25
- 著者名:
- 小島, 宏行
- 掲載情報:
- 日本機械学會論文集. C編
- 0387-5024
- 巻:
- 54
- 通号:
- 502
- 開始ページ:
- 1252
- 終了ページ:
- 1256
- バージョン:
- VoR
- 概要:
- application/pdf<br />Journal Article<br />When an alternating electromagnetic force is applied to the mechanical vibration system, nonlinear forced vibrations such as superharmonic and subharmonic vibrations are generated owing to the nonlinearity of the electromagnetic force. In this report, the analytical method by the finite element method and the harmonic balance method is presented to investigate the nonlinear vibrations of a beam subjected to the … alternating electromagnetic force. In the analysis, the equations of motion of the beam are obtained by the finite element method, and the nonlinear matrix equations which decide the force vibration amplitudes are derived in consideration of the second order superharmonic and the one-second order subharmonic by applying the harmonic balance method. Then, the nonlinear matrix equations are reduced, and three simultaneous equations are derived. Furthermore, the numerical results by use of the Newton-Rapson method agree well with the previous numerical results, and the present analytical method is confirmed. 続きを見る
日本機械学会 |
岩波書店 |
技報堂出版 | |
森北出版 |
培風館 |
岩波書店 |
丸善 |
森北出版 |
日本機械学会, 丸善 (発売) |
丸善 |
科学技術出版社 |